The nation marks Pakistan day with a resolution to overcome differences, overcome terrorism

The staff of the armed forces was custody during the parade of the Pakistani day in Aiwan-E-Sadr in Islamabad on March 23, 2025.-Screengrab via Geo Newsparade presents the past of the military staff, the Vowons of PAF of PAF We must overcome the perverse intentions of terrorist organizations.
Islamabad: The nation celebrates Pakistan Day with patriotic zeal and fervor today (Sunday) with Aiwan-E-Sadr organizing the emblematic military parade to commemorate the 1940 Lahore resolution which provided a framework for the realization of the objective of a separate homeland for Muslims of South Asia.
President Asif Ali Zardari is the chief guest of this year's Pakistani day parade, also assisted by Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, the heads of services and other dignitaries, which will be held in Aiwan-E-Sadr instead of the Shakarparian parade-which traditionally hosts the parade.
The day started with a salvation of 31 guns and 21 cannons in the federal capital and the provinces, respectively.
Meanwhile, a ceremony of change of guard took place at the Mausoleum of Allama Iqbal in Lahore with the contingent of the Air Force (PAF) which takes the tasks of the rangers.
Addressing the parade, which also presented the military person's walking past as well as the Flypast of fighter planes of Pakistan Air Force (PAF), President Zardari recalled the sacrifices of millions of Muslims – who expressed their lives for the creation of Pakistan.
“We have reached freedom by making many sacrifices,” he said while stressing the importance of Pakistan day.
Stressing that the inhabitants of Pakistan and the armed forces were held together, the president paid tribute to the martyrs, saying: “We have the capacity to overcome the difficulties [and] are not afraid. “”
“The trip to us is not easy, but it is not impossible [….] I call everyone to devote all their energies to the development of the country. We have to go beyond the differences and work for a prosperous and peaceful Pakistan, “said President Zardari.
The staff of the armed forces were working on the guard during the parade of the Pakistani day in Aiwan-E-Sadr in Islamabad on March 23, 2025.-Screengrab via Geo News Armed Forces Marck to the Pakistan Day Parade in Aiwan-E-Sadr in Islamabad on March 23, 2025. Aiwan-E-Sadr in Islamabad on March 23, 2025. Screengrab via the staff of the armed forces of Geo News put custody during the parade of the Pakistani day in Aiwan-E-Sadr in Islamabad on March 23, 2025. 2025.-Screengrab via Geo News (from left to right), Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, President Asif Ali Zardari, Minister of Defense Khawaja Asif Pakistan Day Parade in Aiwan-E-Sadr in Islamabad on March 23, 2025. In Islamabad on March 23, 2025.-Screengrab via Geo News The PAF aircraft team Make Aerobatical maneuvers during the Pakistan day parade while passing on the Aiwan-E-Sadr in Islamabad on March 23, 2025. Islamabad on March 23, 2025.-AFP Fi-16 fighter of the PAF Jets Flypast on Awan-E-Sadr during the Pakistan Day Parade in Islamabad on March 23, 2025.-AFP
Noting that the country is faced with various geopolitical challenges, the head of state qualified young people as essential capital of the country.
By approaching the country's foreign policy, the president said that he was based on the principles of peace and stability.
He also reiterated Pakistan's desire to establish close ties with his neighboring country and the international community.
“That day, we also remember our cashmiri brothers, who have long been victims of Indian atrocities,” he said while reaffirming Islamabad's unshakable commitment to breed the voice of cashmiris on all global forums.
“Our objective is to build a strong and modern Islamic providence state,” he said, stressing the importance of safeguarding the country's independence, which was carried out by countless sacrifices.
“We will not hesitate to make a sacrifice for the protection and freedom of our homeland,” said President Zardari.
“We have to create a strong and developed Pakistan,” he said. The president also congratulated for the successful organization of the Grand Parade.
President Zardari also promised to defeat the bad intentions of extremist terrorist organizations, calling them “Fitna al-Khawarij”. He said that the whole nation is on the shoulder with the armed forces in the fight against terrorism.
“The threat of terrorism must be eradicated,” he said. “The fifth generation war is an important challenge,” he added, highlighting modern security threats.
“We are a courageous nation, fully able to overcome the challenges,” said President Zardari.
He reiterated that Pakistan will never be held to sacrifice the security of the country.
“We have given a strong response to external and internal terrorism,” he said, stressing the determination of Pakistan.
“India has always watched Pakistan with enmity,” he noted, stressing New Delhi's harmful intentions for Islamabad.
“Firm will, tireless effort”
Meanwhile, in his message from Pakistan Day, Prime Minister Shehbaz stressed that with “good policies, dedicated efforts and national unity, we can achieve economic prosperity, maintain social justice and guarantee our legitimate place among the nations of the world”.
The Prime Minister noted that Pakistan Day “strengthens our collective will and serves a powerful reminder of the values of sacrifice and perseverance anchored in the very foundation of our nation”.
“From an emerging nation to nuclear power, our journey was shaped by unshakable perseverance and determination. However, this is not where we stop. This will take a firm will, a tireless effort and a collective vision to transform Pakistan into the nation envisaged by our founding father, Muhammad Ali Jinnah,” he said.
The president of the committee of staff heads (CJCSC) and the department heads extend sincere congratulations to the nation for the 85th anniversary of Pakistan.
“March 23, 1940 is a decisive moment in our history – a day that crystallizes our collective vision and defined the course for the creation of an independent homeland,” read the declaration published by inter -service public relations (ISPR).
“Rooted in faith, guided by hope, and reinforced by resilience, this opportunity embodies the unshakable determination of the Pakistani people.
“Today, Pakistan is a responsible and resolved member of the global community – advocating peace, stability and cooperation. As a United Nation, we are advancing with renewed hope and an unshakable commitment to endure prosperity. We will continue to maintain and defend peace that defines our national character, ensuring that Pakistan remains a harmony beacon,” added the army.
– with additional application input, Pakistan Radio
Sources 2/ https://www.geo.tv/latest/596701-nation-celebrates-pakistan-day-with-patriotic-zeal-fervour The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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