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President Trump provides for a crypto reserve with these 5 rooms. Should you invest in them?

President Trump provides for a crypto reserve with these 5 rooms. Should you invest in them?



Earlier this month, US President Donald Trump announced the creation of the Bitcoin Strategic Reserve (Crypto: BTC) and the Stock of the United States digital assets. The first will hold Bitcoin – No surprise there. The latter will hold four other of the largest cryptocurrencies: Ethereum (crypto: ETH), XRP (crypto: XRP), Solana (Crypto: Sol) and Cardano (Crypto: ADA).

The fact that the United States stores crypto is an exciting news for cryptographic investors. But are they good cryptocurrency investments? Let’s take a closer look at everyone.

Bitcoin is the original cryptocurrency and was also the most successful. At the time of writing the time of the editorial staff, its market capitalization is 1.7 dollars, larger than that of all the other combined cryptocurrencies. In the past three years (March 19), Bitcoin price has increased by 98%, long before the yield of 27% of the S&P 500.

While Bitcoin was designed as a decentralized digital currency, transactions are too slow and costly to work as a method of payment. Treatment times generally vary from 10 minutes to more than an hour, depending on the congestion of the network, and the costs are around $ 1 per transaction.

Despite this, Bitcoin was done as a digital value store, or “digital gold”. The offer is capped at 21 million bitcoin, which added an element of rarity to it. If you are looking for a way to cover yourself against inflation or add a cryptocurrency to your wallet, Bitcoin deserves to be considered.

Ethereum is the second largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, and it has become popular by introducing smart contracts. An intelligent contract is a program integrated into the blockchain network of a cryptocurrency to record transactions.

Developers can use smart contracts to launch decentralized applications (DAPP). This gives Ethereum a wide range of uses, including decentralized financing services (DEFI), such as cryptographic loan platforms, blockchain games and the launch of new cryptographic tokens.

Since Ethereum was the first to offer intelligent contracts, it has a big lead in terms of market share. According to Defillama, Ethereum is currently 46 billion dollars of total value locked in its DEFI applications, most of all blockchain.

On a negative note, Ethereum's performance is lagging behind other blockchains of smart contracts. The average transaction costs are $ 0.19 in March 19, against $ 0,000,25 for its Solana rival. Ethereum has also lost 34% of its value in the past three years. You better avoid Ethereum until it proves that it can reverse this downward trend.

XRP is the native cryptocurrency for Ripple, a blockchain designed as a cross-border payment solution. The current system of choice for international payments, the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT), can take three to five days for international banking transfers. The fees generally cost $ 15 to $ 50, according to the banks involved.

History continues

On the Ripple blockchain, transactions translate into four to five seconds for an amount of 0.00001 XRP, a fraction of one hundred. In addition to being used for its minimum transaction costs, XRP is also a bridge currency used to facilitate international transfers.

With a case of real world use, XRP is one of the strongest cryptography investments currently available. In the past three years, he has exceeded all the other cryptocurrencies on this list with his 187%yield. His biggest front wind since 2020 was a trial of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), but on March 19, the CEO of Ripplelabs, Brad Garlinghouse, announced that the SEC had abandoned the trial.

Solana is a competitor of Ethereum because it also provides developers with a platform to launch DAPPs. The difference is the unique history proof system of Solana to validate transactions, making it a much more efficient blockchain.

As mentioned above, the average transaction costs on Solana are only $ 0,000,25. It processes more than 4,000 transactions per second (TPS). In comparison, Ethereum treats approximately 17 TP, because it has not developed a quick method to validate transactions like Solana.

Like all cryptocurrencies, Solana is a high-risk and volatile investment. But it has increased by 39% in the past three years, and its speed and low costs should continue to attract developers to Solana's ecosystem.

Cardano is another Ethereum competitor who supports intelligent contracts and allows the development of DAPP. He helped popularize the evidence system, where people who have a cryptocurrency can promise their chips to be part of the transactions validation process and earn rewards. The system of proof of assistance has minimal energy needs, and even Ethereum adopted it in 2022.

One of the unique things about Cardano is the dedication of developers to use the peer exam and research based on evidence. But that has not always been to its advantage. Cardano's development was notoriously slow. For example, he only introduced intelligent contracts in 2021.

Cardano's price has decreased by 18% in the past three years. As for Ethereum, it is best to see if Cardano can create a momentum before you get your money.

It is not because the American government will compete on these five cryptocurrencies that you must invest in each of them. Cryptocurrency is a risky and unproven asset class. Two of the cryptos on this list, Ethereum and Cardano, have lost value in the past three years. Even if the others have done well, they are still very volatile.

Regarding cryptographic investments, Bitcoin is the safest, relatively speaking option. It is the best known cryptocurrency, and it has been the largest since the very beginning. If you are looking for cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin, XRP and Solana are two out-of-competition projects. With Bitcoin, XRP and Solana, you may have a solid crypto wallet which covers several use cases.

Regardless of the cryptos you choose, pay attention to your asset allocation. Due to the risk involved, cryptocurrency should not exceed 5% to 10% of your portfolio. Use the rest to invest in stocks, bonds and other stable assets.

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* The action advisor returns to March 18, 2025

Lyle Daly has positions in Bitcoin, Cardano, Ethereum and Solana. The Motley Fool has positions and recommends Bitcoin, Cardano, Ethereum, Solana and XRP. The Motley Fool has a policy of disclosure.

President Trump provides for a crypto reserve with these 5 rooms. Should you invest in them? was initially published by the Motley Fool




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