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The government maintains the military option open, explains Siddiqui

The government maintains the military option open, explains Siddiqui



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The government's control approach to the government's terrorism has sparked a debate in its own ranks, the Senator of the PML-N Irfan Siddiqui said on Saturday that the government retains the possibility of launching an operation if necessary only a few days after the Interior Ministry has excluded a new military offensive against terrorism.

Stressing that terrorists cannot be allowed to wander freely and take innocent lives without facing consequences, the PML-N senator said that no major military operation was currently underway, but the State has the power to act if necessary to eliminate terrorism.

The comments of the PML-N parliamentary chief in the Senate came after the Minister of State inside Talal Chaudhry categorically declared that no new military operation was being studied in the middle of a broader debate on counter-terrorist strategies following a high-level security group-parliamentary committee on the national security meeting.

At a press conference on Thursday, Chaudhry said that a new military operation had not been discussed during parliamentary security of parliamentary security, who attended Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and the army chief. He said that Azm-E-Tistehkam and the National Action Plan (NAP) would be applied to fight terrorism.

Chaudhry's remarks came at the counter-the-counter Minister of KP, Ali Amin Gandapur, who would have opposed any new offensive in the province.

Siddiqui Siddiqui also accused KP CM Gandapur on Saturday of having tried to transform the province into a refuge for terrorists.

“Terrorists cannot be allowed to wander freely, wreak havoc with innocent citizens and not to be Scottish,” said Siddiqui, who is chairman of the permanent senatorial committee for foreign affairs, in an interview on a private television channel.

“Will our armed forces are awaiting the permission of Gandapur if, God does not like it, any mishap is launched on our western border,” said Siddiqui.

The senior PML-N official said that former Prime Minister Imran Khan, in collaboration with the then military leadership, had brought back terrorists from Afghanistan and had installed them to Pakistan, who have now become a major problem.

When they were asked for the concept of a “hard state”, as the army chief mentions the security committee meeting, Siddiqui Senator explained that those who attacked the state and the murder of the innocent Pakistanis will be treated with an iron fist, and that no Clémence will be shown to them.

Answering another question, senator Siddiqui said that a “hard state” simply means making no mercy on terrorists, their customers and those who glorify them on social networks.

He noted that the “chief of staff of the army represented the feelings of the whole nation by adopting this position”.

Siddiqui deplored that even in the wake of events like May 9, the state unfortunately presented a gentle approach. “In any other country,” he said, “people involved in such despicable acts should have faced serious consequences.”

Senator Siddiqui said that Jaffar Express's diversion was a horrible act of terrorism, which was condemned by the whole world, including the United Nations Security Council.

No one called him a nationalism or a fight for fundamental rights, he said, adding that everyone had called him terrorism. However, he regretted that the leadership of a political party and its affiliates launched a propaganda campaign, encouraging terrorists while trying to encourage hatred against the armed forces leading the operation.

On the issue of bad governance, Siddiqui Senator stressed that the remarks had been made regarding Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balutchistan, where more than 90% of terrorist incidents occurred. During the national security meeting, it was reported that the army chief had made remarks on bad governance by saying how long the governance gap was filled by the blood of the martyrs.




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