The management of Govtech in the era of President Prabowo?

Times Malang, Jakarta – Government digital transformation by transporting government technology (Govtech) has become the main pillar of bureaucratic modernization in various countries. In Indonesia, efforts to digitize public services continue to feel development, but are always faced with various fundamental challenges, ranging from data governance to digital sovereignty.
Under the government of Prabowo Suubianto, the sustainability and effectiveness of Govtech's policy have become a crucial aspect which would determine the direction of the digitization of the government in the future.
Govtech refers to the application of technology in governance to improve the efficiency and transparency of public services. Since the Joko Widodo government era, various initiatives have been launched, such as electronic government systems (SPBE), the use of artificial intelligence for policies' analysis, as well as the integration of crossed criper and institutions.
President Joko Widodo has published a presidential regulations governing the SPBE, through losses n ° 95 of 2018. The SPBE is an important policy to encourage digital transformation in the Indonesian government bureaucracy, which encourages ministries / institutions to improve the rhythmic pace to adjust digital developments.
However, the challenges are still very confronted. Among other things, the fragmentation of digital systems between instances inhibits data interoperability. Various sectoral constructed platforms are often not optimally connected, thereby reducing the effectiveness of data-based policies analysis.
In addition, the protection of personal data and cybersecurity remains a big duty. Recurrent data leakage cases have shown low government data management. In addition, the preparation of human resources in the bureaucracy to adopt digital technology is still low, in particular in terms of technological literacy and cybersecurity.
During the management of President Prabowo, Govtech will be one of the main pillars of digital transformation. According to the president of the National Economic Council Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, President Prabowo wanted to inaugurate the Govtech program on August 17, 2025.
Govtech should unite all applications of ministries and institutions that should encourage efficiency and reduction of corruption. This was transmitted by the president of Den Luhut Binsar Panjaitan to the ranks of the media on Wednesday (03/18/2025).
Govtech in the prabowo era
The Prabowo Sudianto government faces major challenges to strengthen effective and sovereign Govtech ecosystems. There are several strategic stages which must have priority:
First of all, the integration and standardization of data. There must be an acceleration in the implementation of the SPBE, which guarantees that all government agencies share data in an integrated platform.
Strengthening regulations and policies concerning data interoperability must be the main objective to improve the efficiency of public services.
Second, digital sovereignty and cybersecurity. Indonesia must reduce dependence on foreign digital infrastructure by building a reliable national data center.
In addition, the strengthening of regulations on the protection of personal data must be strictly kept to ensure the security of public information.
Third, increasing the capacity of digital HR. Digital literacy for the state civil apparatus (ASN) must be a priority, both to understand technology and in cybersecurity practices. Systematic training programs can accelerate bureaucratic digital transformation.
Fourth, increased transparency and responsibility. The use of technologies such as blockchain in public administration management can be a solution to increase transparency and reduce the risk of corruption in bureaucracy.
Fifth, collaboration with private sector startups and technology. Partnerships with the interior technology sector must be reinforced to develop Govtech solutions that comply with Indonesia needs.
The government must create an ecosystem that encourages innovation and involvement of local technological companies in national digital development.
Govtech and digital sovereignty of Indonesia
President Prabowo's commitment to encourage the digital transformation of the Indonesian government by prioritizing Govtech must be expected as concrete work.
Meanwhile, strategic programs linked to digital transformation are often organized by structural selfishness and overlapping authority between institutions or ministries.
In addition, the government must also ensure that the Govtech and Digital transformation executed is directly proportional to digital sovereignty. This is important, linked to digital safety mechanisms, cybersecurity networks to the data protection mechanism of citizens.
As a global trend, over the coming years, digital sovereignty will be an increasingly important aspect for Indonesia. The state must have control of infrastructure and strategic data so as not to depend on the digital services of other countries. The development of the National Data Center which is managed independently is a first crucial step.
On the other hand, regulations concerning the protection of personal data must be maintained more firmly. The Personal Data Protection Act (PDP law) which has been adopted must be implemented effectively, with strict sanctions for offenders.
The Government has published the Personal Data Protection Act through law n ° 27 of 2022, in particular data security regulations, processing of personal data, data subjects, to the obligation to introduce personal data. However, there must be a more detailed mechanism to become a PDP law to become a real protector of data security from Indonesian citizens.
President PRABOWO SUBIANTO and ranks have great challenges in the realization of the vision of the effective and sovereign government. Its success in the construction of a strong Govtech ecosystem will be an important heritage for the future of Indonesia in the face of an increasingly complex digital era.
*) By: Munawir Aziz, Recipient of AIFIS scholarships for studies and research in the United States; Secretary of PCI Nahdlatul Ulama United Kingdom (2020-2023).
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