The 2024 elections have become an anomaly, democracy has decreased due to the power of power

Titi Anggraini, member of the Board of Directors of Perludem, in the workshop of “Public Policy and Democracy” organized by Aji Jakarta and ICW on Saturday 3/22/2025). @ Traces / doc. Aji Jakarta
Hat statements can be in the form of attacks against religion, race, ethnicity, sex with sexual orientation.
Jejakfakta.com, jakarta – In 2024, the Indonesian democratic index dropped three rankings to 6.44. Two aspects with the lowest score are “political culture” which only obtained a score of 5.00 and a “civil freedom” with a score of 5.29. The impact of dynastic policy.
This was transmitted by Titi Anggraini, member of the Board of Directors of the Association for the Elections and Democracy (Perlude), in the workshop of “Public Policy and Democratic Policy” held by the Jakarta Independent Journalist Alliance (AJI) and Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) on Saturday 3/22/2025).
“The 2024 election has become an anomaly, but it has lowered the democratic index. This is inseparable from the policy of dynasties and the politicization of rules and courts,” said Titi in a press release on Sunday (03/23/2025).
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In fact, according to Titi, in general, the electoral year should be a momentum to increase the democratic index, since the elections are one of the main indicators of democracy which takes place procedurally.
However, unlike the previous trend, the 2024 elections have in fact shown a setback.
According to Titi, this is caused by various forms of professional fault more and more apparent, one of which is by the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) No. 90 of 2023 concerning minimum age requirements for the president and the vice-president.
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This decision paved the way for Gibran Rakabuming Raka, the son of President Joko Widodo, to advance as a vice-presidential candidate and was finally elected to accompany Prabowo Subianto.
“Our elections are not only manipulated by the rules, but also by the manipulation of voters and the voting acquisition,” said Titi.
He explained that the manipulation of voters had been carried out in various ways, including intimidation, monetary policy, social assistance, politicization of devices and disinformation. According to him, all of this aims to maintain the status quo of the political elite.
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Civil freedom is threatened
In addition to electoral problems, the drop in the Indonesian democratic index is also marked by a decrease in civil freedom. The expert in constitutional law Bivitri Susanti underlines how freedom of opinion, religion and belief is increasingly threatened.
“These rights must be fulfilled, respected and protected by the State,” said Bivitri.
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As a country that adheres to the Republic system, he stresses that the government is forced to guarantee the civil freedom of all its citizens. However, in reality, various repressive actions are even more widespread.
The speech and challenges of the journalist's hatred
Meanwhile, Muhammad Okky Ibrohim, researcher at the Institute of Social Studies at the University of Tartu, Estonia, underlined the challenges of journalists in the question of the question of hate speech. According to him, statements of hatred can be in the form of attacks against religion, race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation.
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Okky divides its level into three levels: light (curses to individuals), while (leading to conflicts on social networks), and severe (provocation which has the potential to cause violence). He stressed that hatred speech could have a serious impact, from discrimination to the conduct of social conflicts and even genocide.
“Journalists can take advantage of the opening to check whether a sentence contains a speech of hatred or not,” advised Okky, stressing the importance of the role of journalists in the abolition of disinformation and hate speech.
The workshop was followed by dozens of journalists and will continue on Sunday, March 23, 2025. On the second day, women's rights activists and Siti Musdah Mulia political experts and representatives of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) had to be resources to discuss the challenges of democracy in Indonesia more.
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