Boris Johnson commands at least a 3 -week locking
That day in 2020, the Prime Minister of the time, Boris Johnson, ordered the strictest restrictions to date in the fight against the coronavirus.
He implemented a locking of at least three weeks which prohibited people from leaving the house, except for specified reasons.
Mr. Johnson said that people had been invited to stay at home during the pandemic: “And although huge figures conform – and I thank you all – the time has now come for all to do more.”
He gave a clear instruction to the British public: “Tonight, I have to give the British a very simple instruction – you must stay at home.”
The Prime Minister described the limited objectives for which individuals could leave their home, which included purchases of basic necessities, one form of exercise per day, any medical need and trips to work when it is absolutely necessary.
He stressed: “That's all – these are the only reasons why you should leave your home.”
Johnson urged the public not to meet friends or family members who did not live at home and have indicated that purchases should be limited to the essentials.
He warned that the police would have the power to enforce these rules, in particular by fines and the dispersion of rallies.
To ensure compliance, Mr. Johnson announced the closure of all stores selling non -essential products, libraries, playgrounds and places of worship.
He also declared that all gatherings of more than two people in public would be prohibited, excluding those who live together, and that social events, including marriages and baptisms, would be interrupted, with the exception of funeral.
He recognized the impact of these measures, saying: “No Prime Minister wants to adopt measures like this.
“I know the damage that this disruption makes and will make people, their businesses and their work.”
However, he assured the public that the government had produced a major support program for workers and businesses.
Johnson underlined the efforts made to strengthen the NHS, noting that 7,500 former clinicians returned to service.
He said: “With the time you buy – simply staying at home – we increase our equipment stocks.”
He also mentioned the acceleration of research on treatment, the development of vaccines and the purchase of millions of test kits.
In closing, Mr. Johnson expressed his gratitude to those who work to fight against the virus and called on the public to unite in the fight against the disease.
He concluded: “And so I urge you at this national emergency to stay at home, protect our NHS and save lives.”
[From the Northern Echo of March 23, 2020]
Sources 2/ https://uk.news.yahoo.com/day-boris-johnson-orders-least-050000844.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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