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Trump will he betray Maga for the Erdoan turkey?

Trump will he betray Maga for the Erdoan turkey?



Earlier this week, President Donald Trump spoke with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdoan. Trump loves Erdoan; He sees someone with whom he believes he can face the president of Turkey. Erdoan is notified. By proposing to mediate between Russia and Ukraine and perhaps even the United States and Iran, he thinks it can become essential to Trump.

Erdoan's price is high. He seeks to break the American links with his Syrian-Kurdish partners in the fight against the Islamic State. The arrest of the mayor of Istanbul (and the probable presidential challenger) Ekrem Mamolu is also part of the package. However, even if Trump did not give an explicit authorization, Erdoan came out of the conversation with a feeling of impunity. The greatest price that Erdoan would have sought in his phone call, however, was to take up the sale of F-35 joint fighters.

Trump's acquiescence at this request would be the ultimate betrayal of the principles of Make America Grand again. Erdoan does not want F-35 for the defense of turkey or NATO. Instead, he wants the F-35 to reverses when he strengthens the indigenous arms industry led by his son-in-law.

The Obama administration has offered drones to Turkey over a decade. Turkey has taken up arms and has built its own drone capacity, which it now exports to the world. It would already be quite serious if the American businessmen were the only victims, but many customers of the sale of turkey weapons, from Azerbaijan to the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Syrias in the Islamic State, use these weapons in a disproportionate manner to target Christian groups.

Turkey is now very open to its desire to build a furtive plane that is its own, the so-called TF Kaan. Until now, he has not succeeded. But with F-35 joint strike fighters delivered to Ankara on a silver set? Expect that the F-35 components are being made in Turkish factories, allowing it to take advantage of the billions of dollars that Lockheed Martin spent to develop new generation fighter planes.

The reason for the expulsion of turkeys of the F-35 program initially was its purchase of advanced S-400 Russian missiles which could follow and exploit vulnerabilities in NATO systems. The law on adversaries of America of 2017, through sanctions, forced the sanctions to those which would allow those which would allow the Russian, Iranian or North Korean aggression, which the purchase of the dinds of the S-400 would do. Selling the F-35 to Turkey despite its violations would signal the death of Caastas or encouraged at least other countries to seek profits from the rogue diets at the expense of the Americas.

Is it possible to be pro-Turkey but not pro-Hamas?

Regarding the F-35 and Turkey, Trump has the choice.

It can make America again large or allow Erdoan to relaunch its Ottoman ambitions and its military industries to turkey at the expense of American national security, industry and religious freedom.

Michael Rubin is a contributor to Washington examiner'S Confidential Beltway. He is director of analysis in the Middle East Forum and principal researcher at the American Enterprise Institute.




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