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PM modes reaffirms the commitment to the conservation of water – the cashmere monitor

PM modes reaffirms the commitment to the conservation of water – the cashmere monitor



New Delhi, March 22: Prime Minister Narendra Modi reaffirmed the India commitment on Saturday to keep water and promote sustainable development.

Stressing the essential role of water in human civilization, PM Modi has urged collective action to protect this invaluable resource for future generations.

The Prime Minister in a position on X said that, during World Water Day, we reaffirm our commitment to keep water and promote sustainable development. Water has been the lifeline for civilizations and it is therefore more important to protect it for future generations!

World Water Day, which has been held on March 22 of each year since 1993, is an annual United Nations celebration focused on the importance of freshwater.

A main objective of World Water Day is to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development objective 6: Water and Sanitation for everyone by 2030. The theme of World Water Day 2025 is the preservation of glaciers.

In a video article, the Prime Minister also underlined the cultural and historical significance of water conservation in India.

Water is the foundation of the life and the greatest resource in the world. This is why our ancestors were so focused on the conservation of water. From Vedas to Puranas, it has always been said that it is the most duty to build lakes, dams and tanks to save water, he said.

Prime Minister Modi warned that a lack of water not only threatens individual well-being but also national development. He highlighted the role of the Jal Jeevan mission to ensure the availability, management and maintenance of water, especially in rural areas.

Work is also carried out to keep water sources in the villages. It may be possible that water is available in sufficient quantity where you are now, but we must always remember millions that live in water areas, he urged.

Stressing the cultural aspect of water conservation, he called to revitalize the traditions that celebrate rivers.

Inspired by Maha Kumbh, we have to give new meaning to river festivals. This will help the current generation to understand the importance of water, encourage the cleanliness of the river and ensure their protection, he added.

Meanwhile, the Department of Jal Shakti, in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment, Forest and Climate Change and the Haryana government, is expected to launch the Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Catch The Rain 2025 on the occasion of World Water Day.

According to the ministry of Jal Shakti, the campaign, the action of peoples for the conservation of water to intensified community connection, underlines the importance of water safety, harvesting rainwater and groundwater recharge in the face of climate change and the growth of water challenges.

The initiative will focus on 148 districts across the country, promoting greater synergy between government agencies, communities and stakeholders to ensure the sustainable management of water resources.

The Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Catch The Rain 2025 aims to drive on a national scale and to the action for the conservation of water, which means that the vision of each drop has a reality. The campaign calls on all citizens to join the hands to secure the future of India water thanks to innovative solutions and basic participation.




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