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WOW, 3 doctors of the ASN Natuna Regency government are suspected of two positions in other hospitals

WOW, 3 doctors of the ASN Natuna Regency government are suspected of two positions in other hospitals

qq, The question of the strike of the specialist of the Natuna regional general hospital (RSUD) a few days ago due to the reduction in employee income allowances (TPP). It ended with a demonstration at the Natuna Regent office.

However, based on the results of this media team, found evidence of 3 alleged specialized doctors who were ASN at the Natuna regional hospital, would have provided double and worked in other hospitals. They served Batam City to the province of Lampung.

The three specialized doctors had the TPS initials. He worked in three places, namely the Santa Elisabet Sei Lekop hospital, the Osmaro clinic laboratory and the Natuna hospital.

While Dr. AF served in two places, Budi hospital at the Batam regional hospital and Natuna. In addition, MF served in three hospitals, namely the Candimas medical hospital, the Charis Medika hospital and the last regional hospital in Natuna.

While government regulations (PP) 28 of 2024 concerning the implementation of law number 17 of 2023 concerning the health signed by President Joko Widodo, one of the important points of the regulations deals with the registration and granting of licenses of medical staff and health workers.

Each medical staff and health workers who will carry out a professional practice must have a practice license (SIP). Article 682 The paragraph (2) of the PP stipulates that a SIP is only valid for a single place of practice. However, there are exceptions for doctors and dentists who are authorized to exercise practices in a maximum of three places with certain conditions.

Can practice in three places, but, yes, a sip is applied in a place of practice. This means that if the practice in three places, the SIP must have three, said a spokesperson for the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), Dr. M. Syahril, Thursday 1/8) was quoted in

He added, the provisions concerning the maximum number of practices still referred to the previous regulations, still following the provisions of the old regulations, said Dr. Syahril.

Some other things that should be taken into account are that doctors must ensure that the capacity and quality of service do not even decrease if they practice in several places. This means that the doctor must be able to manage time well and make sure that each patient attracts decent attention.

In addition, the distance between the practice site should be considered so as not to interfere with the journey time and the doctor's practice calendar. These places should be within a department that allows doctors to move effectively.

This regulation aims to improve the quality of health services and guarantee that medical staff can provide maximum services in their practice, continued Dr. Syahril.

Respect for this provision will support government efforts to maintain the quality of health services in all regions of Indonesia. It will also be a strengthening for the government to rebuild a solid health system throughout Indonesia.

Meanwhile, secretary Natuna Boy Wijanarko, when she was confirmed by this media team on Sunday (23/03/25) did not know with certainty if there were allegations of Asn Natuna, in fact, specialized doctors could also work in other hospitals outside Ranai.

We will explore this and I will call the BPKSDM on this subject, the regional secretary of Natuna, said the Wijanarko boy.

In different places, the initial specialized doctors of TPR, when confirmed via TLP Connection on Sunday (23/03/25), also made it possible in different hospitals in addition to Natuna, namely Dibatam. And he is allowed according to him even if he himself is the status as ASN in Natuna, because the Ministry of Health is authorized and I was authorized to the director of the RSUD Bright TPS again

Similarly, MF specialized doctors when confirmed via TLP Connection on Sunday (23/03/25) also confirmed that he was working himself in other places in the Lampung hospital and in Batam, according to specialized MF radiology, there were still little and many hospitals that needed, we could work via tele-radiology, and SIP could be used maximum 3,

Meanwhile, Halim, one of the Natuna, was shocked to listen to this.

It is also strange, sir, a specialist doctor who, in fact, Asn Natuna can do work outside and not yet land with Natuna Regency, that's good, said Halim.

Halim said he was a little disappointed with rumors on the strike of a specialized doctor at the Natuna regional hospital. Because specialized doctors can go to school because there are recommendations from the Natuna government.

Just because there is a cup of TPP, even grumpy. Then, strangely, even the children of the Natuna region, such as the head of the health service, the Natuna hospital, the secretary, the staff targeted by Maki Caci, he said.

Halim said that the Regent's visit to the Natuna regional hospital some time ago was considered another mission of several doctors to drop the hospital when it was seen from the video. Because the one who accompanied the Regent during the visit was the doctors of the service.

Halim has advised not to drop other people if they do not like superiors' policies. According to him, this was sufficient with the incident of the dismissal of the previous director.

It was enough that I hear there were hospital rumors.

Until the publication of this news, the media team was still trying to contact 1 specialist with the initials AF and also the director of the Natuna regional hospital linked to the existence of 3 ASN working at the Natuna regional hospital and they also worked outside Natuna Regency even if their status was ASN in the government of Natuna Regency (Arizki)

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