10 big things about China, you shouldn't miss (March 16 22)

1. XI inspects South West of China Guizhou, provinces of Yunnan
Xi Jinping stressed that areas with large populations of ethnic minorities should preserve their distinctive culture and let it shine through the integrated development of culture and tourism in the province of Guizhou in southwest China. He called the province of Yunnan in southwest China to innovate for its development in the continuation of Chinese modernization.

Chinese President Xi Jinping, also secretary general of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and president of the Central Military Commission, discusses with local residents during the visit of the old town of Lijiang in the city of Lijiang, in the southwest of the province of Yunnan, March 19, 2025. (Xinhua / Yan Yan), March 19, 2025.
2. Hainan is looking for ambassadors to promote international tourism of world foreigners
Hainan is looking for ambassadors to promote international tourism among foreign nationals around the world, aimed at strengthening global awareness of its tourist offers and establishing the island as an international center for tourism and consumption.
The recruitment initiative takes place from March 18 to September 30, targeting foreign nationals with intercultural talents.

The photo shows the view of the Port de Dongzhai nature reserve in Hainan. (Photo / China News Service)
3. The Chinese baristas robot serves a quick and quality coffee in New Zealand
The cultivation of New Zealand coffee undergoes a transformation, with a group of baristas of Chinese robots working to make coffee for local customers.
Marie Fan opened a COFE + robot coffee at the Queen's Food Tourt in downtown Auckland in January, the La Voix du Pays Journal reported.

The photo shows the COFE + CAFE. (Screenshot photo)
4. Cherry flowers strengthen tourism, the economy in Central China
While spring takes place in the province of Hubei in the center of China, the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, causing a wave of flowering visits.
On Monday, the number of foreigners via Wuhan Tianhe airport reached 11,600, marking a 23.83% increase in annual shift. Most of the travelers came from South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, the United States and Japan, with more than 60% for tourist visits and tourism.

The file photo taken on March 27, 2023 shows cherry blossoms at the East Lake Park in Wuhan, the province of Hubei from Central China. (Photo: China News Service)
5. The new Shanghai megofactory of Tesla is starting to export energy storage batteries
Friday, the new Megofactory of Tesla in Shanghai in East China exported its first batch of Megapack energy storage batteries.
It took the new megofactory just over a month after its production launch to make its first export, the batteries transported from the port of Shanghai in Australia.
The megapacks produced to install Shanghai will provide both domestic and Asia-Pacific markets.

A ceremony for launching the production of the megofactory of the American manufacturer Tesla takes place in the Shanghai's special Lingang area, February 11, 2025. (Photo: China News Service)
6. Chinese scientists design a robot inspired by insects for space exploitation
A team of Chinese scientists has created a six -legged “mining robot” inspired by insects, which could be used for prospecting and mining on the moon or asteroids in the future.
Unlike the landing on earth, the surface penetration operations of a robot on the moon, where gravity is only sixth of the earth or on small gravity asteroids, have significant challenges.

A six -legged robot for the exploitation of space is developed by a laboratory from the Chinese University of Mines and Technology in Xuzhou, Jiangsu province. (Photo / CCTV screenshot)
7. 'Space seeds' Enter the reproduction test in eastern China
A batch of seeds from Huang Shan Chrysanthemum who went to space entered a reproductive test in a test field managed by a research institute in the county of Shexian, the province of Anhui d'East China on Tuesday.

Cheng Fuqiang (third of the right) presents students visiting the plantation process of Huang Shan Chrysanthemum with spatial race on March 18, 2025. (Photo / China News Service)
8. E-Pass helps travelers from the sras, Taiwan who lose papers
Chinese immigration authorities have said that a temporary electronic transport pass will be issued to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents if they lose their travel documents on the continent to help them continue to travel in air and rail without delay.

The file photo taken on January 8, 2023 shows that travelers go through immigration control points at the port of Zhuhai-Macao in the province of Guangdong in southern China. (Photo / China News Service)
9. China achieves the first distribution of quantum keys in real time in the world in the world
China has carried out the first quantum distribution of real-time ground space in the world between a quantum microsatellite and light portable soil stations.
The research team has demonstrated the distribution of quantum satellite keys with several ground stations and has led to the sharing of 1.07 million bits of secure keys during a single satellite pass, according to the discovery published in the journal University International Nature.

A miniaturized floor station is installed on the roof of the Jinan Institute of Quantum Technology. (Photo provided in China News Service)
10. 'Spring Break' announced by certain schools
Certain universities and schools in various Chinese cities have announced a short “vacation” in April, because the government recently published special initiatives promoting consumption that encourage education institutes to explore spring or fall breaks if the conditions allow.

The cherry trees flourish at Yuyuantan park in Beijing, March 18, 2025. (Photo / China News Service)
Sources 2/ http://www.ecns.cn/cns-wire/2025-03-23/detail-ihepukce6686360.shtml The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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