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Bill Waqf An assault against the Constitution: Congress | India News

Bill Waqf An assault against the Constitution: Congress | India News



The congress on Sunday described the Waqf bill (amendment) proposed an aggression against the Constitution by the Union government, listing a certain number of faults.

In a statement, the Congress MP and the communications manager, Jairam Ramesh, said that the BJP was trying to harm the prunes of social harmony and maintain the company in a permanent polarization state for electoral gains by the bill.

Cetailing defects, the press release indicates: all the institutions created by previous laws to administer WAQF (State Council, Councils of State and Courts) are actively sought to be reduced to stature, composition and authority in order to deliberately deprive the community the right to administer its own traditions and religious affairs.

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He said that deliberate ambiguity has been introduced to determine who can give their land for WAQF purposes modifying the very definition of WAQF.

The congress said that the government sought to abolish the Waqf concept by user, developed by the judiciary of the nations on the basis of uninterrupted customary use.

He also indicated that the provisions of the current law are deleted without any reason to weaken the administration of the WAQF. Improved defenses are now introduced into the law to protect those who have encroached on WAQF lands, the statement said.

The party reported the large -scale powers granted to the collector and other representatives of the State on the disputes concerning the properties of the WAQF as well as their registration. The officers of the governments of the States will now have the power to decompensate everything waqf On the complaint of anyone who or on a simple allegation of WAQF property being a government property until a final decision is made, the congress said.

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The Ramesh Declaration also said that the 428 -page WAQF report was literally in the Bulldozer through the joint committee of the Parliament without clause discussion by clause.

He thus violates all parliamentary practices. Most fundamentally, the Waqf ticket (amendment)2024 is an assault against the constitution of India itself, said the press release.

The congress said that the bill is an attempt to demonize minority communities and to dilute constitutional provisions which guarantee equality of rights and protections to all citizens, regardless of religion.

The Indian Express PVT Ltd




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