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Jackie Robinson is the last victim of Donald Trump's anti-end madness

Jackie Robinson is the last victim of Donald Trump's anti-end madness



Seven years ago, I wrote a chronicle on an 11-year-old black girl who was diverted from her Catholic primary school near New Orleans because she presented herself with her hair braided by extensions. Halfway, I included what I thought was an irreproachable declaration: as the hair of black peoples are generally different from white peoples, any hair policy must be carefully considered as if some vulnerable students to break a rule that others could not break.

A reader answered with a comment which was completely out of the right field, but which still illuminated: and if Donald Trump said: as the hair of black peoples are generally different from white peoples, a chronicle would be coming [him] Make racist division remarks?

The opinion reflects an opinion that mentioning the race is intrinsically problematic and that the recognition of racial differences is necessarily racist.

But the hair of black peoples is generally different from white peoples. It's a fact. Readers' commentary has remained with me because it reflects an opinion that had far too many conservative whites, including those of this second Trump administration: that mentioning the race is intrinsically problematic and that recognizing racial differences is racist.

But when you do not recognize that people are different, you get outrages such as the provisional advice announced by the navies this month: the navies who have a pseudofolliculitis barbae (the fancy name of the razor bumps) can now be separated (that is to say discharged) if it is not resolved in time of year.

As much as I like the idea of ​​shaving my face with a razor, I almost never do it because the hair that repels in invariably curls up in my skin and causes painful bumps. And then you can't shave without deciding in these bumps. Anyone who can shave to get razor bumps, but the American College of Osteopathic Dermatology says that the pseudofolliculite barbae occurs in up to 60% of African-American men. An article in American Family Physician claims that the incidence reaches 85%.

A military dermatologist who spoke at said that members of the black service represent around 15% of soldiers in active service, but that 66% of holders of razing derogation are black.

The navies claim that provisional guidelines are to maintain the standards of preparation, discipline and lethality, but to separate men with razor bumps would seem guaranteed to make the navies lower, not stronger.

In July 2021, the Journal of Military Medicine published a study that found a significant association between razing derogations and promotional delays. In October 2021, two dermatologists in active service in the Air Force, a letter to the Air Force Times in response. Contrary to the belief of some, the PFB is often not manageable with something other than a shaving profile allowing short hair growth, wrote Lieutenant-Colonel Simon Ritchie and Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Beachkofsky. The idea that these members simply need to learn to shave the right way is actually incorrect and contradicts what we, as dermatologists, know this condition.

It is quite bad that the members of the black service are denied promotions because the narrow shaving is bad for them. Its infinitely worse than the Marines plan to launch people with razor bumps.

But these are the types of policies you get when you hold the nave and a factually incorrect position that we are all the same and that unique policies are intrinsically just.

There is a framework that helps the leaders of organizations to reflect on policies that may seem fair and neutral opposite, but which make certain people in an organization have advantages or disadvantages that others do not have. This framework is known as diversity, equity and inclusion, which has been decried and actually prohibited by the Trumps administration.

Perhaps you have climbed aboard the anti-dei train yourself, but if you think it would be bad and self-determination so that the military launches navies who have faithfully served and protected our nation only because their facial hair is bend in their skin, then yours is a pro-dei opinion.

The Trump administration treats the race (and sexual orientation and sex) as something not to mention.

Like the person in the 2018 column comments section that I wrote, the Trump administration treats the race (and sexual orientation and sex) as something not to mention. I do not believe that the people of the Trump administration are naves; I believe that overall, their motivations are quite sinister. But their anti-dei positions appeal to people who have the simplistic point of view that everyone is the same, believe that treating everyone the same is always fair and believe that if we do not recognize our differences, then it was required to live happy forever.

Since Trump took office, we have seen the Air Force temporarily withdraw a training video on the heroic aviators of Tuskegee, we have seen the Defense Ministry add with disassembled the letters of the URL of a web page celebrating the MAJOR-General of the army Charles Gavin Rogers medal of honor and temporarily remove the page celebrating the service of Jackie Robinsons the army. Three years before Robinson burst MLB's color line, he was wrongly in court martial and finally acquitted after refusing to sit in the back of a bus on a base of the army.

If you think that talking about race is bad about his face, or that recognizing the racism that blacks have endured in the army is bad on the face, then the attempts to erase like these are inevitable.

And in a more literal sense, a policy that expels men with razor bumps will be an erasure.

Were not all the same. And the “provisional advice” of the navy are racist because it suggests that we are.




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