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“I want to know the reason behind the murder”: the parents of Sarabh Rajput call on the PM Modi, Uttar Pradesh CM

“I want to know the reason behind the murder”: the parents of Sarabh Rajput call on the PM Modi, Uttar Pradesh CM



Saurabh Rajput's mother, who was allegedly murdered by his wife Muskan, called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath, to conduct an in -depth investigation into the incident, and urged the death penalty for the culprits.

Rajput's mother also demanded that they want to see their granddaughter and raise him, fearing for the safety of the child.

“I want justice, I want to give the death penalty to the culprits. I would like to call on PM Modi and CM Yogi (Adityanath) that a thorough investigation should be held in the case and justice should prevail. The investigation occurs by the crime branch or the CBI. I want to know to everyone and everything, the reason of the mother's mother.
Saurabh Rajput worked in the merchant navy and would have been murdered by his wife and his Sahil partner on March 4. His body had been cut and hidden in a drum, covering it with cement.

According to some information, Muskan’s father Pramod has played a crucial role in the cracking of the case. While taking Muskan to the police station, Pramod arrested the scooter and urged her to tell the truth. Muskan then admitted the crime, revealing that she and her friend had killed Saurabh Rajput together.

The mother said they had not seen the granddaughter since the murder of their son. “We have a granddaughter, we want to see her and we want her. If the girl (accused) can do that with her husband, what can she do with the little girl? We haven't seen her (granddaughter) since, we want to see and keep her,” said the murder of Rajput. The mother added that she had not heard any marital or other problem when he came to meet her on the night of March 3, adding “if there were a lot of problems, then he (Sarabh Rajput) came here on the night of March 3, he would have said something. Wife.”

The accused's parents, Muskan, also called for capital punishment against his daughter, declaring that his actions are “very false”.

“While we were going to the police station, I stopped the scooter and told her about it and told her to tell me the truth … Then she admitted the truth that she and her friend killed her husband, they put her body in a drum and placed cement on it. Did is very wrong … My son -in -law should have justice,” said the accused father.

Earlier on March 28, Meerut City Sp ayush Vikram Singh identified the accused as Muskan Rastogi and Sahil Shukla, arresting them both and recording a FIR on the case.




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