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PTI did not attend the Oot national security because it is “pro -taliban”: Aimal d'Anp – Pakistan

PTI did not attend the Oot national security because it is “pro -taliban”: Aimal d'Anp – Pakistan



Awami National Party President (ANP) Aimal Wali Khan said on Saturday that the PTI had not attended the meeting of the National Security Parliament (PCN) because they are Taliban sympathizers.

Last week, the best civilian and military leaders in the country gathered in Parliament to discuss measures to slow down terrorism. The meeting was ignored by the PTI after its meeting requested with the founder of the imprisoned part Imran Khan has not materialized.

A statement published after the meeting said that the members of the committee had condemned the recent terrorist acts, which expressed its solidarity with the families of the victims and reiterated the unshakable country to eliminate terrorism in all its forms and demonstrations.

They also welcomed the value and professionalism of the security forces and law enforcement organizations in the realization of their operations to combat terrorism.

While speaking on the Dawnnews Doosra Rukh television program on Saturday, Aimal said, this is the third time that Taliban sympathizers [PTI] are in government [in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa] And what do you expect from them?

That they will attend the meeting where there will be a discussion and decisions made against their terrorists? They would never assist [such a meeting].

I said on the file that we had given to the nickname that Taliban Khan in Imran Khan, each Pakhtun knows that he remained a defender of the Taliban, he continued.

He added in a veiled reference to Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, on the other hand, there are those we saw a statement when they were chief minister who make all the terrorism you want to make in KP but do not come to Punjab.

He continued that he expected the KP government and the center seriously attacking the question of terrorism and ensuring security.

He answered a question concerning the PTI to accept initially, then decided to jump the Moot, as well as the absence of the Minister of the Interior Mohin Naqvi and the President PML-N Nawaz Sharif.

He continued that there had been no questions to carry out an operation at the PCN meeting, but there was a plan to fight terrorism.

The way they [army] erased it [Jaffer Express] Train without any collateral damage, we want them to erase the rest of the country in the same way, added Aimal.

When asked on the remarks of the army, General Asim Munirs, that the failures of governance hampered the capacity of Pakistans to effectively counter militancy, said the chief of the ANP, I saw this in a positive light when the chief of the army told the Prime Minister that you should let us go to the borders [and do our work] And do not pin us in other cases by filling out your responsibilities.

The PCNs said in a statement published after the meeting last week that the committee underlined the immediate implementation of the National Action Plan and the AZM-I–ISHKAM strategy to dismantle terrorist networks, disturb logistics support and eliminate the link between terrorism and crime.

The press release also underlined the need for unity and political resolution to deal with the threat of terrorism with the full strength of the state, calling for a national consensus in the fight against terrorism.

Expressing the concern about the growing use of social media platforms by terrorist groups, the Committee also called a framework to target the digital networks of militant organizations.




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