Turkey Prison Erdogans Top Political Rival, risking more troubles
(Bloomberg) – Turkey officially arrested President Recep Tayyip Erdogans on Sunday political rival, a decision that set up to stir up other demonstrations and shake the markets.
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Ekrem Imamoglu, mayor of Istanbuls and key chief of the Party of the Republican Peoples of the opposition known as CHP, was imprisoned for corruption.
The case has the potential to keep the imamoglu behind bars for years and prevent it from running for the elections planned for 2028, providing relief to Erdogan. But investors took the detention of mayors and antigenal demonstrations that followed as a sign of fragility and erosion in the institutions of the Turkeys State.
The Turkish markets have displayed some of the world's largest drops in the world since Imamoglu was placed in police custody, while the central bank tries to reduce the benefits with a surprise meeting on Sunday with the best lenders of the nations.
The impact on the economy will be essential for Erdogan while he sails in this last domestic political crisis, one of many during his 22 years in power, the turkeys increasing the cost of living detached from the popularity of its parts. The reaction of the Western allies which is increasingly depends on Turkey for regional security has been attenuated.
Turkish assets will undergo a renewed pressure following the arrest of Imamoglus, but Erdogan probably bet it will not last long, said Wolfango Piccoli, the co-president of the consulting company Teneo. It is unlikely that foreign partners of turkey exerts significant pressure.
Ultra-popular major
On Wednesday, the detention of the shock of the shock of Imamoglus came after the authorities revoked his university degree a compulsory requirement to appear in the elections. The Istanbul court hearing the allegations on Sunday decided on Sunday of an official arrest for separate terrorist accusations, but Imamoglu will remain in prison with the investigation into corruption.
The 54 -year -old mayor is an extremely popular political figure since 2019, when he has beaten Erdogans sorted in the local elections. When he repeated his success in the ballot box against another Erdogan ally last year, he also helped the main opposition group CHP to beat the party in power during the national vote for the first time.
Imamoglu became so popular among the voters he was to be declared on Sunday as a candidate for the presidential parties for the 2028 vote. But the decisions of the Turkish authorities to cancel his university diploma and send him behind bars carried a huge if not deadly in his political future.
Sources 2/ https://finance.yahoo.com/news/turkey-jails-erdogan-top-foe-073114483.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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