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PEP to challenge three general electoral seats

PEP to challenge three general electoral seats



Your vote, your future Souza Janelle 11 hours ago, a supporter of the UNC signaled to the flags of his party and his PEP, during a political meeting run by Pep, in Bamboo # 1 St Joseph on March 22. – Photos by Angelo Marcelle

Phillip Edward Alexander, Political leader of the Progressive Empowerment Party (PEP), urges all the small political parties to join him and the UNC to be part of the Coalition of Interest.

During the launch of the general electoral campaign of the PEP 2025 and the presentation of candidates for the bamboo # 1 on March 22, he told politicians who say they want a better country than the coalition under the direction of UNC Kamla Persad-Bissar was the only way to follow.

The only way to save Trinidad and Tobago is for everyone, all of us, to unite. And you cannot complain about the boss. When I am in my party, when I am in my office, I could do it. I am the boss. But I sit with them, I am not the boss.

And I understand that to be a good leader, you must be a good follower. To be a good leader, you must understand that there will be a time when you will have to add your strength to the strength of others in the pursuit of the common interest, for the improvement of the country, to save all people, to save the nation. This is the goal.

PEP will participate in three seats in the general elections of April 28, notably Alexander for the Port of Spain North / St Anns West, Janice Learmond-Criqui for Diego Martin West and Brendon Butts for Diego Martin North East.


He said he had paid attention to the changes to Trinidad and Tobago in the past ten years under the PNM and life under Persad-Bissessar was better and quieter. She was the Prime Minister from 2010 to 2015.

He said that after independence, Trinidad and Tobago were the best place to live because he claimed many superlatives. He had the highest level of education in the Western world, has the largest coral of the brain in the world, was the first in the world in cocoa, in height and sugar, had the best refinery in the world and had laws used as models for other countries. He said it was the place where the healing of the rage was found and the prototype television was invented.

The PEP political leader, Phillip Alexander, on the right, welcomes the deputies of UNC Barry Padarath, on the left, and David Lee in the political meeting of the Party, held at the Bamboo # 1 St Joseph, on March 22.

It is who we are, and we must remember who we are as a people, from where we come, because it is the only way to trace how much to believe in what we could be and where we could go, and the unity that the coalition of interest represents.

Alexander also referred to the accusations of intimidation by Prime Minister Stuart Young while he was in secondary school saying that he would not let the Youngs Action be dismissed. He said, on his social media pages, he asked all those who had been intimidated by Young to contact him so that he could tell their stories.

Stuart Young, until you apologize for Imran Khan for the five years of torture, you should not be allowed to present yourself in the elections elected in this country. And to all the victims of abuse and intimidation and systemic discrimination that worked with me for decades, know that I will be with you.




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