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Was this most serious episode in national self-harm most serious? – The Sierra Leone telegraph

Was this most serious episode in national self-harm most serious? – The Sierra Leone telegraph




Abdulai Mansaray: Sierra Leone Telegraph: March 23, 2025:

Friday, at 11:00 p.m., January 31, 2020, Great Britain officially left the European Union (EU). It was a divorce that was not challenged by any of the parties and was settled on a faultless complaint base. Although the British bride had legal problems to be resolved, including her post-nuptial relationship with the EU, it was obvious that in all the associated risks and warnings,

Boris Johnsons Bravado in Get Brexit was so optimistic for the optimist. While Nigel Farage and his enclave managed to convince the majority of the British public that it was a reasonable idea, they did not know that it will be the greatest demonstration of Britain of the National Automutilation Decision.

EU-2025Among the many fantastic reasons given by pro Brexiteers, the public was confidently that Great Britain would be better outside the EU.

One of the most important arguments which appeared in the Pro Brexit corner was that Great Britain sent 350 million per week to the EU.

Interestingly, the camp made sure that they campaigned on very emotional questions for the British public. Brexiteers have campaigned that the 350 million weekly money could be better spent on the NHS. Who would not fall for a piece of jingism so laudable? As if that were not enough, posters were used to invoke a Dunkirk type spirit with us want our country to come back.

The fishing sector has been specifically targeted and has made believe that Brexit will lead to an increase in taking. The campaign was a closely common thing and you could see the dichotomy between these two. It was largely between the NHS and the economy. Many were convinced that Brexit would be bad for the economy but good for our NHS darling.

There is no doubt that the forces and interests outside the United Kingdom were very decisive to see the rupture of the EU. As one of the largest trade and political blocks in the world, the United States had every interest in seeing the collapse of the EU.

As a commercial and political adversary, even the umbilical cord of NATO was not enough to cement the differences. For example, the United States wanted a slice of the NHS pie, a British family heritage. It is obvious that the American oligarchs that make up most of the Tech / Silicon Valley community do not like the type of control and regulation than the EU.

With unregulated access and free hands in the United States, these oligarchs were not used in EU political supervision. They are not used to regulations and control mechanisms. . It was therefore in their interest to see and hope that Great Britain leaves the EU. They could have put themselves in the bank in the hope that British divorce would lead to a domino effect.

The initial hopes of the cards falling in Spain and Germany were quickly destroyed after the Brexit noises were silenced by the majority of Europeans in their respective countries. They wanted to see how Great Britain would get out with its own Brexit. You now know their verdict.

Trump-and-ZelenskyGreat Britain had hoped that it would become the largest trading partner in America, thanks to its special relationship.

What Great Britain has not negotiated is that Donald Trumps Transactional Relationship Ethos, which is downright based on the status of the counterpart.

Trump never gives anything for nothing. Does he believe in what's for me? Great Britain also hoped to capitalize on its motherboard relationship with its Commonwealth partners, to discover that the common richness was not common.

Five years after Brexit, Great Britain found itself as a political orphan and at the top of the stream without paddles. The position of the British on the world scene was paradoxically reassembled when Trump returned to the throne and launched several keys to works in the world order.

This is the third anniversary of the Ukraine Russian War. Since Trump went on the throne in his second coming, the American version and attitude towards the war have taken a 360 -degree turn. In the meantime, we have been told that Ukraine began war.

We were also told that Ukraine is the attacker and toying with the Second World War. Meanwhile, the intelligence and ammunition which were once free to eliminate Ukraines have become a salary as and when. White checks were interrupted and, in their place, a counterpart for Ukral minerals, its energy sector and many others have taken the central stage for discussions.

Since Great Britain has left the EU, the advantages displayed and tight in the trade have not materialized. Theresa May visited African countries like Kenya and Nigeria, danced Azonto and Zangalaywa to stimulate trade, but the Chinese were already citizens of these countries. Even trade with Australia and New Zealand does not seem to have had the desired effect, on which the whole dream of Brexit rested.

Travel has become more complicated and border passages are an additional stressor for lukewarm travelers. The Trump Card (forgive the word game) for Brexiteers was the immigration card and a key theme that always surfaces during elections and referendums.

Paradoxically, the UKS position has never become clearer from Brexit to second place. Thanks to the Ukrainian-Russia war, prevails over positon on the issue and, by extension, NATO was examined.

Many leaders of European countries have scraped their heads and wondered how long and to what extent America can trust the cordial agreement. Notwithstanding the permanent burden of military sub-depends, the position of Trumps and relations with Putin were examined serious and prompted some eminent officials to conclude that Trump could be a Russian asset.

The EU seems to lose confidence in America, in particular with the unilateral prices against the ancient allies. Trump described American allies as simple rivals who are determined to exploit America. It seems to tell them that foreign policies are determined by foreign interests. And for the first time, Germany voted unanimously to considerably increase military budgetary expenses.

Other European countries adopt similar readers, suggesting the growing loss of confidence in the conviviality of the Americas, in particular in the face of Russia, EUS supposedly threat to existential.

Kier-StammerIt is so ironic to see Great Britain to which we were all used to in the past. Since the apparent impasse surrounding Russia from Ukraine-Trump, as a sleeping giant of his sleep, the British Stramer Keir had crossed the globe to accelerate the support of Ukraine.

Keir Stramer joined the coalition of the provision of voluntary weapons and the British and even had a recent photo shoot in one of the British flagship submarines. At its nominal value, it would seem that the direct contrast and the challenge of disinterested the Americas for the Ukraine corner.

Meanwhile, Sir Kier Stammer is very worthy of the political trapeze; Drumming support for Ukraine and by extension of the EU on the one hand, while being enough on the tip of the feet to avoid any suggestion to run against Donald Trumps in the position. In recent weeks, Keir has shown that Great Britain is the mother of diplomacy. How long it will last, keep the EU and Trump on the side, it is to someone.

What does that tell us?

Great Britain has returned to its legendary role in global issues. Unfortunately, does Great Britain have gravity and the vavave room to influence world opinion? With a non-enviable position of ni here (EU) or there (United States), is it time for Great Britain to relax, wrap its tail and return to the EU? Or should Great Britain remain the political prodigal son who finds himself in the stream without paddles? Have the United States played Great Britain for a suction cup in the Brexit hole?

Sir Alan Sugar, one of the most eminent and prosperous businessmen, recently said that if he should meet the Prime Minister of Great Britain, he would advise him to knee and ask to join the EU. How many people would dispute this? Is it better to be a king in hell than to be a slave in heaven? Has Great Britain declared himself the political prodigal son of the West? Has Great Britain become the boy of transatlantic policy?

Do not forget to divert the lights when you leave the room.




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