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One week's political problems, Tni Bill at the Terror of the Tempo -Chief Editor

One week's political problems, Tni Bill at the Terror of the Tempo -Chief Editor



Jakarta, – A number of the latest political and legal problems in last week drew the reader's attention. News related to the revision of the TNI law (TNI bill) which has now been ratified as law by the DPR in a burning subject of reader

Other political and legal questions during last week, namely former president Joko Widodo who sat down at a table with Surya Paloh and Puan Maharani, the TNI pulled the police who made a raid on rooster fights in Lampung, the news of the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati resigned, against the terror against the editorial Tempo.

Political and legal questions a week of

1. The DPR is validated by the TNI bill as a law

The DPR officially approved the revision of number 34 of 2004 concerning the TNI (TNI bill) as a law. This ratification was carried out during the 15th period of plenary meeting of the RPR, period II of the year of trial 2024-2025 in Parliament Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday 3/20/2025).

The president of the DPR, Puan Maharani, stressed that the TNI law which had been adopted remained based on the principles of democracy, civil supremacy and national and international law. Puan stressed that the DPR is ready to dialogue with the students and the community who doubt or always reject the ratification of the TNI law.

There are four articles modified in the revision of the TNI law. The four articles, namely the article 3 concerning the position of the TNI in the national defense system, article 7 concerning the addition of the main tasks of the TNI in military operations other than war (OMSP), article 47 concerning the expansion of the age of the pension of active TNI soldiers.

2. Jokowi was seated as long as Puan and Surya Paloh

The 7th President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is seated at the table with the president of the PDIP DPP Puan Maharani and the president of the Nasdem Surya Paloh party during the Iftar event with Nasdem in Nasdem Tower, Gondangdia, Menteng, Jakarta, Friday 3/21/2025).

Jokowi admitted that he had not met Puan Maharani and Surya Paloh for a long time, so much have been discussed. Jokowi did not reveal special talks between the three. He admitted that all things have been discussed, especially the food served during the Nasdem Party Bukber event.

Jokowi was silent when asked if she should discuss her relationship with PDIP during the discussion with Puan Maharani.

3. 2 TNI members admit to having shot 3 police officers in Lampung

In addition to the news related to the TNI bill, other political and legal questions, namely two members of the TNI recognized as the authors of three police officers during the raid on the rooster game in the register of register 44, Karang Manik Village, Negara Batin District, Way Kanan Regency, Lampung on Monday 3/17/2025).

This was revealed by Inspector General of the Lampung Regional Police, Helmy Santika, based on the information obtained from the results of the investigation with Pomdam Sriwijaya. The two members of the TNI went to the military police.

From the crime scene (TKP) of three police shots in Lampung found 13 ball shells, made up of eight grains of 5.56 Milleter (mm) of caliber ammunition, three 7.62 mm caliber and two 9 mm caliber items.

4. Palace: Information Sri Mulyani resigned from his post as Minister of Finance Hoaks!

The spokesperson for the Presidential Communication Office (PCO) Hariqo Wibawa Satria denied that Sri Mulyani's question would resign from the post of Minister of Finance in the Red and White Cabinet.

The community is asked not to believe in the information conveyed by the irresponsible party. Hariqo stressed that Sri Mulyani was still working as Minister of Finance in the Red and White Cabinet.

5. The chief of the national police ordered the Kabareskrim criminal investigation completely the terror of the Pig Head Tempo

Editorial office Tempo On Jalan Palmerah Barat, Jakarta received a packet of pork heads on Wednesday (19/03/2025), which was considered by a certain number of people as a form of terror on the critical attitude of the media in the news.

The pork head is wrapped in a cardboard box covered with polystyrene. The box containing the pork head is addressed to Francisca Christy Rosana or Cica, journalist desk The policy and the Siniart host have disclosed Alus's policy.

The chief of the national police, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, ordered Kabareskrim Komjen Widada to Kabareskrim to conduct additional investigations related to the terrorist case of the chief of the pig in the media editorial office Tempo.

Thus, political and legal issues during last week, including linked to the TNI bill.




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