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Donald Trump publishes a video of himself in the face of cheers, hoots at the NCAA event

Donald Trump publishes a video of himself in the face of cheers, hoots at the NCAA event



President Donald Trump shared a video of his widely warm reception at the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) fighting championships in Philadelphia on Saturday where he met cheers and a standing ovation, although some in the crowd also dive.

Why it matters

Trump has long been a polarizing figure in American politics and affairs, many supporters seeing him extremely favorably while others express a strong aversion to the president.

As elected president and president, he made several high -level appearances at major sporting events, including the Super Bowl, a UFC Championship fight (UFC) and Daytona 500, among others.

What to know

Trump attended the NCAA Championships in Philadelphia, a city with a blue predominance in the Swing state of Pennsylvania, which supported it in last year's elections on Saturday evening on Saturday evening. In a video he published on Truth Social, his social media platform, the crowd can be seen standing, applauding and at some point “USA! Usa!” – A familiar refrain of Trump gatherings.

Some participants, however, hooked the president, stressing his mixed reception, although the crowd was largely favorable. Outside, there were reports of up to 300 protesting protesters against Trump’s appearance, according to NBC10.

President Donald Trump attended the final of the NCAA wrestling championship on March 22 in Philadelphia. President Donald Trump attended the final of the NCAA wrestling championship on March 22 in Philadelphia. AP photo / Matt Rourke

It is estimated that 110,000 people were present through the NCAA wrestling sessions which took place at the Wells Fargo Center in three days. Each session attracted around 18,000 fans.

Trump was seen sitting next to the Senator of Gop Pennsylvania, Dave McCormick, with billionaire Elon Musk and representative Jim Jordan, a republican of Ohio, seated nearby.

The wrestler of Oklahoma State Wyatt Hendrickson praised Trump after winning the heavyweight final. With an American flag draped on him, Hendrickson hugged the president in his arms.

What people say

Pennsylvania's wrestler, Mitchell Mesenbrink, said Trump attended the event: “We want people to watch, right? We want people to watch the fight. We want people to make the funnel, not just money, but people's time, and attention is money. So I think it's cool. Liberal, it would be really cool.

Friday, President Donald Trump told journalists outside the White House before his presence: “We are going to the big fight. The reason for which I go is Philadelphia. They have the NCAA, the world, the fight for the university. And I have always supported the wrestlers. So I want to support them. These are the big university wrestlers of second place.

Pennsylvania's wrestler of the state of Pennsylvania, Josh Barr, said about Trump's visit to matches: “It is a great honor for wrestling sport. Wrestling sport is in a place where he needs growth. He needs life and energy behind her, and President Trump brings him. I think it's a great thing for sport.”

Link Lauren, former principal advisor to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., wrote in an X, formerly Twitter, published on Saturday: “Whether it is the Super Bowl, the Navy Army Game or the NCAA Wrestling Championships, President Trump understands the power of sports for the Americans.

What happens next?

For the moment, there is no publicly confirmed information concerning the attendance of Trump during other future sporting events.




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