Cos Jack but by Alibaba again for free at Xi Jinping

Qwen 2.5-MaxThe latest model of artificial intelligence Made in China Developed by the Chinese electronic commerce giant AlibabaHe answers any question is asked. Including those which are more uncomfortable on the history of China who are often bypassed by its competitors (including Deepsek). In reality, the most interesting aspect of the new “jewel” of Shake Another: “Qwen 2.5-Max exceeds almost the entire GPT-4, Deepseek-V3 and Llam-3.1-405B line,” said the Alibaba unit cloud in an advertisement published on WeChat, referring to Open Source models more advanced by Openai and Meta.
In 2023, Alibaba launched the beta version of Qwen: a family of large linguistic models developed by the alibaba cloud subsidiary, which has substantially rehabilitation The figure of Jack Ma. The authorities, feeling contested and attacked, first replied by blocking the process of his business, Ant groupThen start surveys on Alibaba for monopolistic practices (inflicting the company a record fine of nearly $ 3 billion).

The return of but
“We cannot use yesterday's methods to regulate the future,” it would have been the expression that Jack but, more and more frustrated, he would have pronounced in public, marking his departure from the high spheres of the Chinese olive. In 2022, but he was in difficulty: at home, he was, as, said, who fell into disgrace, he was no longer a face appreciated by the spotlight and had moved to Tokyo. In the meantime, Alibaba was attacked by the Chinese regulation organizations And he was threatened by competition, both in electronic commerce and in Cloud Computing, while the price of his shares continued to decrease.
Despite ourselves, and in a difficult context, but plants the seeds of its rebirth, feeling in advance, compared to its competitors, the importance of technology with the potential to transform the global economy: artificial intelligence.
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During the next two years, Mr. but worked in the shadows to bring his giant back to the center of the scene, waiting for the wave of AI to get up at best. Successful mission thanks to Qwen And at the audacity of the omnipresent jack but, which now seems to have been completely rehabilitated by Xi Jinping itself.

Alibaba's new strategic role
Like the Financial timeIn the past three years, Alibaba has increased Investments in AI (We talked about it here), he supported dozens of start-ups, he spent chip e semiconductors, And he took dozens of researchers from the highest level.
QwenThe family of large linguistic models developed by the group, now considered a market leader in China, and even Apple He chose it to perform artificial intelligence functions on iPhones in China. A few weeks ago, Jack was seated in the front row, with dozens of other CEOs of high -tech companies, during a meeting with Xi Jinping: a total rehabilitation which also done well for business, since the price of ALIBABA shares increased by 66% between the start of the year to today.
And so, after having embodied the rise of the Chinese technological industry during the first two decades of this century, Alibaba is ready to bring China to excel in the new era of the AI. The bet of MA, past from electronic commerce to cloud computing and now at AI, it turns out to be successful again. The group has now been committed to optimizing Smart products In all sectors of its activities. The end goal? Master theGeneral artificial intelligence (AG)The moment when machines should be capable of critical thinking similar to that human.

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Sources 2/ https://it.insideover.com/tecnologia/cina-jack-ma-emarginato-nel-2020-e-tornato-in-grande-spolvero-con-intelligenza.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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