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Why the arrest of the mayors of Istanbul led to manifestations

Why the arrest of the mayors of Istanbul led to manifestations



Political crisis in Türkiye: Thousands of people went down to the streets in the big cities of Turkeys on Friday March 21 and during the weekend about the detention of the mayor of Istanbuls, Ekrem Imamoglu, a franc critic of President Rece Tayyip Erdogan.

On Sunday, a court imprisoned and officially charged the mayor Imamoglu pending a trial of corruption. Reuters said the order could prolong the momentum of the country's largest protests against the Erdogan government in more than a decade.

Despite restrictions on public gatherings, Thousands of people gathered Apart from the building of the municipality of Istanbul and the main courthouse on Saturday. At least 323 people were detained by the police. Here's what you need to know.

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Who is Ekrem Imamoglu?

Imamoglu, 54, is considered a main political rival in Türkiye in Türkiye. As part of the Party of Republican Peoples (CHP), the main opposition party, he frequently criticized the government in power. In particular, CHP was founded by Mustafa Kemal Atatrk, first president and founder of the modern Turkish Republic.

Almost exactly a year ago, CHP recorded an important victory in the local elections, Win the municipalities of 36 of the turkey 81 provinces. He also recorded the victories of the mayor in the country with five largest cities, including Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Bursa and Antalya. The elections were considered a de facto referendum on Erdogan because he played a central role in the countryside.

Erdogan has ruled Turkey for over 20 years and has been accused of having perpetuated its slide in authoritarianism, alongside the Islamization of what was founded as a secular Republic. Some global commentators have described its elections as free, but not just due to the restricted media, the imprisonment of opposition leaders and other limitations. Consequently, the arrest of the Imamoglus is considered to be a larger down trend.

While Erdogan has rejected such allegations and continued to take advantage of the support of rural Muslims in the middle class, the in -depth crisis in the Turkish economy has led to a certain erosion of its popularity in recent years.

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In this context, Imamoglu has become a popular leader and benefits from the support of various groups, such as the Kurdish ethnic community and secular voters. He was elected mayor of Istanbuls in 2019, ending 25 years of control of justice and development (AKP) of Erdogans.

He also faced other cases in the past and said they were politically motivated. According to a Associated Press Report, a university canceled its diploma earlier this week, citing alleged irregularities in its transfer from a private university in the north of Cyprus about 30 years ago. The decision effectively prevents him from presenting himself to the presidency, because the position requires that the candidates be university graduates.

And what is the situation in Türkiye now?

In an article on X on Saturday, Imamoglu wrote against the accusations of corruption he is now confronted, saying that this blow they have brought to the will of the people by us is put our economy, that they have been devastating for years, and the future of Trkiye in danger. Due to this political coup, the economy of our country has melted even more for three days. He also called on the nation to defeat this coup.

On Sunday, Imamoglu was to be declared candidate for the opposition presidential election for the next Turkish elections following an internal vote. Although no general election is planned until 2028, polls could be held earlier if Erdogan hopes to contest, because he would have reached the limit of the term by then.

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The court said that Imamoglu and at least 20 others were imprisoned in the context of an investigation into corruption, the allegations it denied. Politico reported that the outgoing German Chancellor Olaf Scholz saying that the detention of Imamoglus was a very, very bad sign for the democracy of turkeys and relations with the European Union.

Turkey is important in the world because of its location and the stability that the Erdogans regime appreciated, in the midst of recent crises in Syria and the war in Europe. European countries that turn to Turkey for support in the midst of the Ukrainian-Russia war and the American political establishment more focused on internal policy under Donald Trump, there are few expectations of strong international reactions against Erdogan.




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