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Boris Johnson announced the locking of Covid-19 five years ago today

Boris Johnson announced the locking of Covid-19 five years ago today



Five years ago today, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that the United Kingdom was going to block.

People They were told that they had to stay at home and could only exercise once a dayTraveling to and from work, to buy essential items and meet all medical or care needs.

On March 23, the number of deaths in the United Kingdom had reached 335 – this would increase considerably in the weeks and months to come.

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The streets of the northeast have become strangely silent, while a NHS Nightingale hospital in Sunderland was created – one of the seven hospitals in the United Kingdom. Not a single patient was admitted to the Sunderland site, which would have cost 23.5 m to convert.

Addressing the nation, Johnson told viewers Corona Virus was “the greatest threat that this country has been faced for decades” because the world has seen “the devastating impact of the invisible killer”.

He added: “Without a huge national effort to stop the growth of this virus, there will be a time when no health service in the world could face; because there will not be enough fans, enough intensive care beds, enough doctors and nurses.

“And as we have seen elsewhere, in other countries that also have fantastic health care systems, this is the moment of a real danger.

“To put it simply, if too many people become seriously sick at the same time, the NHS will not be able to manage it – which means that more people are likely to die, not only of coronavirus but also other diseases.

“It is therefore essential to slow down the propagation of the disease. Because this is how we reduce the number of people needing hospital treatment at any time, so we can protect the ability of NHSS to cope – and save more lives.

“And that is why we asked people to stay at home during this pandemic. And although huge figures are in line – and I thank you all – the time has now come for all to do more.

“From this evening, I have to give the British a very simple instruction – you have to stay at home. Because the critical thing we have to do is stop the spread of the disease between households.”

People were told that they could only leave the house for basic necessities, one form of exercise per day, medical objectives and to travel to and from work, if this could not be done at home.

The stores have been closed, the gatherings prohibited, the weddings, the baptism and other celebrations canceled.

Every week people stood outside and CLAP so that NHS staff show their appreciation for the work accomplished. The communities of the North East rallied together to help each other, people sang in the streets and outdoor care homes to keep morale.

Chroniclelive shared the devastating stories of those who had lost their relatives of the virus. The region made the headlines when Dominic Cummings and his family made a trip to Château de Barnard during locking.

Which was supposed to last just a question of weeks transformed into months of uncertainty – with The rules have softened in England in summer Before the northeast, once again, more restrictions.

In September 2020, the The northeast has faced a local locking in order to limit the increase in infection rates. People were prohibited again to mix with people outside their house, hospitality was limited to table service only and restrictions on late evening entertainment.

A few weeks later, the PM announced that England would enter before a locking of the circuit breaker before Christmas Before the restrictions were attenuated.

However, the relaxation was short -lived while England was placed in its third national locking on January 6. It would not be before February that Mr. Johnson has established his plan to lift restrictions and return to normal life.

Slowly, the country began to go back to normality, the restrictions starting to relax in April before the majority was ultimately lifted at the end of June.




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