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Donald Trump, Wyatt Hendrickson celebrates the NCAA wrestling meeting

Donald Trump, Wyatt Hendrickson celebrates the NCAA wrestling meeting



Irish fighter Conor McGregor visits the White House on Saint-Patrick day

UFC fighter Conor McGregor met President Donald Trump on Saint-Patrick day to raise problems that he says that people in Ireland face.

President Donald Trump attended the NCAA fighting championships in Philadelphia on Saturday and celebrated with Wyatt Hendrickson, who upset Gable Steveson for the NCAA heavyweight title. Hendrickson joined a late withdrawal to beat Steveson, an Olympic champion.

Hendrickson, who frequented Air Force Academy for four years, wrapped himself in a flag after his victory and went to shake Trump's hand.

“I made a show for him, I wanted this national title,” said Hendrickson.

Trump arrived at the meeting of the NCAA alongside the founder of the Outkick media, Clay Travis. The presence of Travis on Air Force One was part of a new company from the press secretary of the White House, Karoline Leavitt, to offer media opportunities that were not available during previous administrations.

The 47th President of the United States appeared during many sporting events during the first months of his mandate. At the beginning of February, he became the first president to exercise attending the Super Bowl. A week later, he was at Daytona 500 and even made a few laps around Daytona International Speedway and worked like the Pace car before the race.

It was to be expected from the presence of Trump at the national wrestling championships. Not only did Trump attended the championships in 2023 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, but a large part of his presidential campaign was aimed at keeping transgender women outside female sports, in particular the struggle. Barely a few weeks ago, the NCAA adopted an official ban preventing transgender women from participating in sports.

Trump's story with the fight

Trump has long been a fan of wrestling and combat sports in general. He regularly attended the UFC fights and has a well -known professional relationship with the CEO of the UFC, Dana White. White even made a speech at the Trump's presidential victory rally.

Trump also participated in WWE events, even headlining Wrestlemania 23 in 2007. In 2009, he was also part of a scenario that saw him buy WWE RAW in Vince McMahon before selling it shortly after. Trump was inducted into the WWE renowned temple in 2013.

In addition, Trump has congratulated the college control programs in the past. A month before the 2024 election day, Trump brought the national champion of Penn State on stage during a rally in Pennsylvania.




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