Book: Druing Rights – Three decades on front lines fighting against abusive governments

Rights on the right – three decades on the front lines fighting against abusive governments, by Kenneth Roth,
Penguin Random House.
“People, of course, want human rights, at least for themselves.” Thus begins the informative survey of Kenneth Roth during his thirty years in Human Rights Watch (HRW). He saw the role of his NGO as an increase “the price of the oppression of moving the calculation of the costs of a diet so that the abuses no longer seem as desirable”. In 330 readable pages, Roth provides a guide authority on how tyrants can be held to take into account their atrocities.
According to Roth, presenting well -documented and shame facts, rather than providing pious conferences and holding street demonstrations are the key, according to Roth. “Human rights attackers may not feel any personal remorse,” he wrote, “but they would prefer to avoid the opposite of others.
Roth offers a global visit to horror, from Cambodia to Syria in Ukraine and Gaza, illustrating how HRW collects evidence and locates leverage. This lever effect can be used by governments and friendly institutions to exert pressure on autocrats to reduce or stop slaughter and persecution.
It is particularly withered during the demolition of the argument used by successive British governments that trade will lead to liberalization in China or elsewhere. The opposite was true under the rule of XO Jinping.
The power to look at the violations of international human rights law (shame) goes against the policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs long established. The United Kingdom always provides “technical support” to dictatorships in the vain hope that the security services will change their ways of torture if we provide silent seminars rather than exposing their misdeeds.
Roth's technique has been criticized to be too “elite”, taking well documented examples of human rights violations to leaders and convincing them that it is in their personal interest to abstain. “The idea of building a human rights movement ignores how popular mobilization is, how difficult it is to support and what a few problems that the public will attack.” He also points out that Mandela or Navalny figures are necessary for such movements.
He describes the meeting of President Biden to inform him of China before the American chief met Xi Jinping. Biden “started to speak and speak and speak. Finally, after about 20 minutes, I interrupted HM. After all, I was there to have him informed.” The Biden who emerges from these pages is an arrogant man who believes that he has nothing to learn from the country's experts or legal experts. Roth observes that Biden avoided confrontations with his fellow leaders on human rights, soothing Mohammad bin Salman, from Saudi Arabia with little effect.
Roth is also disdainful of the current UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres for his shyness and his desire to keep the communication routes open with leaders who persecute their own citizens rather than keeping them not to defend the conventions they have signed. This affability brings few results, concludes Roth.
Scion of a German Jewish family who escaped the Holocaust, Roth endured decades of criticism of Israelis who hate the coherent way of HRW with regard to the misdeeds of Israel and Hamas. For all those looking for an introduction to the law and the practice of human rights, Roth's book is a good starting point.
Rebecca Tinsley founded the NGO of human rights leading to peace.
Sources 2/ https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/51997 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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