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Walking in the interiors – Sunday Guardian Live

Walking in the interiors – Sunday Guardian Live



When future generations have deliberated on the national security of the India, two separate phases of a India before 2014 and an post-2014 India will emerge, indicating the large scale on which it was a priority, which even the most difficult criticisms of the government in power will find it difficult to counter.

The India's internal security landscape has undergone significant changes in recent years, which has caused careful examination of the strategies of the union governments in place and their impact. From the complexity of Jammu-et-Cachemire to persistent challenges in the Northeast and the regions affected by Naxal, the approach of governments was marked both by decisive actions and continuous efforts. These three historic internal challenges have persisted throughout our history which, under the visionary direction of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, was largely moderate and contained.

One of the most important political decisions in the history of our Republic was the repeal of article 370 in Jammu-et-Cachemire in August 2019. While long-term ramifications are still taking place, the government has underlined a reduction in terrorist incidents and increased development initiatives. Official figures indicate a significant decrease in reported terrorism incidents, although concerns about localized activism and political commitment remain. Governments focus on the development of infrastructure, including road and rail connectivity, and the return on investment capital has produced measurable progress. It is important to recognize that the region continues to require careful surveillance and a nuanced approach to approach persistent socio-political complexities. The cashmere, blessed by its majestic beauty, has largely found its tourism and is now a host of winter sports and magnificent hikes.

Jammu-et-Cachemire experienced a drastic reduction of 70% of terrorist incidents, 81% of civil death, 50% of the deaths of the security force; And was host of cultural events, tourism (2.11 tourists crore in 2023) and democratic participation. The recognition of the rights of the castes and tribes listed, women and the accreditation of the status of official language in Kashmiri, Dogri, Hindi and English, serves as a long -standing social justice for the diversity of the demography of states. In the midst of all this, the most remarkable realization was peaceful conduct both on 2024 Lok Sabha and the assembly elections in J&K. These were led without an iota of a survey rigging or violence, marking an important achievement for democracy. The subsequent coordination between the Union and the Union territory government will open ways for even greater forms of development.

In the northeast, governments focus on dialogue and development have given positive results. Several groups of insurgents have concluded cease-fire agreements or went, contributing to a relative improvement in the security situation. AFSPA's reduction of several northeast districts is the tangible result of these efforts. The investment of the union governments of RS 5 Lakh crosses from 2014 to 24 and its plan to invest another RS ​​11 Lakh in the fields has reorganized the socio-economic position of the regions. However, various ethnic and political landscapes require a sustained commitment and tackled fundamental questions such as economic disparity and border management.

The fight against left -wing extremism (LWE) has also experienced significant progress. The integrated governments' integrated strategy, combining security operations with development initiatives, has led to a significant contraction in the influence of naxalite. Statistics indicate a sharp drop in LWE -related violence, many districts being declared without naxal. Nevertheless, persistent challenges remain in remote areas, and the need for sustained development efforts to remedy the deep causes of extremism is essential. I still remember the suggestion of a former Minister of Union who called for the use of the Air Force to combat red terror, something that was largely perceived as a too extreme measure, given the high collateral damage that he would have inflicted. The objective of governments to eliminate naxism by 2026 is ambitious and will require coherent and multiple efforts. If we take the case of the Naxal Hotspot Chhattisgarh, the post-2023 landscape led to the elimination of 380 Naxals, 1,194 arrests, 1,045 reshuffle in one year in total of 2,619 neutralized, with only 26 security victims. The fortified police stations went from 66 (2014) to 612; the districts assigned from 126 to 12; The affected police stations went from 330 to 104; and the reduction of the naxal area assigned from 18,000 km2 to 4,200 m². This testifies that governments are progressing towards the eradication of all the elements of naxalism across the country by March 2026, without causing significant civilian victims, and thwarting the design of the Maoists of a red corridor released from Tirupati to Pashupatinath.

Beyond these specific regions, the national operations of governments against non-state actors, in particular on fronts such as cybercrime and narcotics, have demonstrated a proactive approach. Increased coordination between central and state agencies, associated with technological progress in monitoring and collecting information, has contributed to a more robust security apparatus. However, the balance between national security and individual freedoms remains delicate, requiring meticulous monitoring and membership in constitutional guarantees. India must remain vigilant to avoid influx of intoxicating substances through the Pakistani borders, Myanmar and Bangladesh. The doctrine of the Pakistans of bleeding from India with a thousand cuts is a greater threat given their internal instability and that the history of the Armys of the entertaining development forms internal disturbances to the Indian threat and the question of cashmere, because the peace which follows in the valley should not be very well decreased in Rawalpindi.

Although the government deserves the merit of its demonstrable progress in several key areas of domestic security, it is crucial to maintain a balanced perspective. The challenges persist, and the long-term sustainability of these gains depends on the fight against the underlying socio-economic and political factors that feed the disorders. A critical and constructive dialogue between the government, civil society and the opposition parties is essential to ensure that the architecture of indoor security India remains robust, responsible and reactive to the evolving security landscape. Given the growing confidence of investors, the increase in income per capita and the growing stature on the world front, any form of insurrection will be quickly treated. The Minister of the Interior of the Union, Amit Shah, was at the absolute epicenter in the evolution of our national security, carefully monitoring developments over the entire length and extent of the nation. His approach to zero tolerance towards any anti-national element, as well as non-state actors who wish friendly links with the Indian State as a whole have led to 12 peace agreements in the northeast only since 2019. Such a delicate fusion of force and diplomacy with inclusive and durable development is what is the distinctive characteristic of its outfit to the north. The consensus on the method of establishments in place to treat in the language of the authors has naturally cooled many hot spots which would have otherwise posed more important problems. The security of our international borders and the strengthening of national interiors will inevitably lead to a greater amplitude of growth, which would ultimately propel us towards a truly developed nation in every sense of the word.

* Kartikeya Sharma is a member of Rajya Sabha.




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