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How Trump insists on the thanks of Zelensky and other foreign leaders

How Trump insists on the thanks of Zelensky and other foreign leaders



After President Trump spoke on the phone with President Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine last week, the White House clearly wanted to understand: the Ukrainian chief was grateful to the American president. Very grateful.

The declaration telling the appeal mentioned four times that Mr. Zelensky thanked the president for his efforts to negotiate the conditions of a cease-fire with Russia. He then noted that Mr. Zelensky was grateful to Mr. Trumps Leadership.

The description revealed a model in Trump administrations shaping his foreign policy program: with regard to diplomacy, Mr. Trump wants an implicit or explicit demonstration of personal gratitude of the American allies.

Michael Froman, president of the foreign relations council, said that Mr. Trumps Approach of diplomacy, suggests that he considers that the American allies help as a favor, rather than a cornerstone of foreign policy which will pour dividends along the way.

This signals in a way a notion of order fundamentally different from that we have had in the past 80 years, that is to say that if our allies must intensify and do more for their own defense, our support for their defense is also in our interest, said Mr. Froman. I think President Trump questions him.

The most brutal example of insistence on a thank you came at a meeting last month at the Oval Office which included Trump, Vice-President JD Vance and Mr. Zelensky.

You should thank the president for trying to put an end to this conflict, Mr. Vance scolded the Ukrainian chief. The last words that Mr. Trump told Mr. Zelensky by ending Reunion was: you do not act at all grateful. And it's not a good thing.

The phone call for the past few weeks was the first time that the two have been talking since then.

Trump seems to have adopted a softer approach with Russia. In a description of a telephone call between Mr. Trump and President Vladimir V. Putin last week, no expression of gratitude was noted.

Trumps desire to thank is a change in American diplomatic relations. It is not uncommon for the presidents to wish recognition for contributions to military and humanitarian support; President Joseph R. Biden Jr. had his own frustrations with Mr. Zelensky for pushing tirelessly for more.

But any friction between world leaders is generally taken place behind closed doors, with a more sober public description of a complete and frank discussion.

The managers of the White House defended Mr. Trumps' approach.

This is called respect, said Harrison Fields, a White House spokesperson.

Each American president should demand that allies and adversaries, especially when inviting them to contribute billions of dollars to taxpayers in his defense, said Fields.

Kori Schake, director of foreign policy and defense studies of the American Enterprise Institute who was also a national security assistant to President George W. Bush, said Trump treats our allies as subjects instead of acting as peers.

What this indicates is that in a strictly transactional world order, if you humble yourself in front of the American president, you can get what you want, she added.

The parade of foreign visitors to the White House seems to have taken the clue.

The secretary general of Natos, Mark Rutte, was the most head of his remarks with Mr. Trump earlier this month with thank you very much. He then credited Mr. Trump, who has long made its doors against the organization, because the alliances have increased military spending and refused to defend Greenland, the territory of one of its members, of Mr. Trumps threatens to a hostile takeover.

During a visit to the White House the same week, Michel Martin, the Prime Minister of Ireland, did not explicitly say the words thank you. Instead, he referred to Mr. Trump's personal investments in the country rather than responding to the presidents' complaint that Ireland used a commercial imbalance to take advantage of the United States.

You have the distinction of being, I think, the only president who physically invested in Ireland through Doonbeg, said Martin about Mr. Trump, referring to one of his properties. It's just beautiful, he added.

Trump was struck. I love this guy, he replied.

Even some members of Mr. Trumps' cabinet began to ask for thank you.

Secretary of State Marco Rubio jumped into an exchange on social networks between the Minister of Affairs of Affairs, Radoslaw Sikorski, and Elon Musk about Starlink, the satellite internet service that the Musks SpaceX rocket company provided to Ukraine.

When Mr. Sikorski said that the service had been paid, in part, by the Polish ministry for digitization and warned Mr. Musk against the threat of shooting him, Rubio accused him of simply inventing things.

In an article on social networks, Mr. Rubio said: and thank you because without Starlink Ukraine would have lost this war for a long time and the Russians would be on the border with Poland at the moment.

Witold Zembaczynski, another Polish minister, wrote the words Mr. Rubio asked, but in support of Mr. Sikorski.

THANKS. It's so simple #standwithukraine not with the war criminalist #putin.

Matt Duss, executive vice-president of the Center for International Policy, said that Trump had presented a dominance exhibition throughout his career, both as a business man and politician.

He approaches foreign policy, the order led by the United States, as a protective racket, said Duss. If you want protection, you have to be respecting the boss and you have to pay upstairs.




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