The revitalization of the Médan Merdeka Square was rejected by the district court and PT, the Medan-North Sumatra Civil Society Coalition submitted the Cassation-Waspada online

WHILE, Waspada.co.id -The struggle for Civil Society of Medan-North-North Sumatra (North Sumatra) cares about Merdeka Square to maintain this historic field while a national cultural heritage continues. After their trial was rejected by the District Court of Medan (PN) and was strengthened by the High Court of Medan (PT), legal measures have now continued by subjecting an appeal to the Supreme Court (MA).
This legal step was taken because they considered the revitalization of the Medan Merdeka field led by the mayor of Medan Bobby Nasution with a handicap in the procedure and ignored his status as a cultural heritage which has the potential to be increased in a national cultural heritage of the Indonesian proclamation site.
Medan Merdeka Square was designated as a cultural heritage by the government of the city of Medan on October 28, 2021. However, in less than seven months, the mayor Bobby Nas Conference unilaterally revitalized without considering his function as a public public space and a historical value which could make it a national cultural heritage.
According to the lawyer for the team 7 Medan continued, Dr. Redyanto Sidi MH, the revitalization which began on July 7, 2022 by President Joko Widodo, accompanied by the governor of North Sumatra, Edy Rahmayadi and the mayor Bobby Nasution, contained many legal defects, both in terms of processes, administration and substance.
“So-called, before revitalizing, there was an in-depth study and the right mechanism, in particular by offering it to the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture so that Medan Merdeka Square has increased its status to become a national cultural heritage,” said Redyero.
Rejected the courtyard
Feeling that there was an injustice, team 7 Medan continued with seven representatives of Medan residents, through the Human Sciences of LBH, filed a citizen trial with the District Court of Medan. However, the judges of the Medan district court did not accept the trial. They then called on the High Court of Medan (PT), but PT Medan's decision in fact strengthened the decision of the District Court of Medan.
Not accepting these results, team 7 Medan continued by subjecting an appeal to the Supreme Court on Monday, March 17, 2025.
Medan-Sumut Merdeka square care coordinator, Miduk Hutabarat, stressed that this cassation stage was the result of a joint agreement between team 7 Medan prosecuted and the legal team. They hope that the Supreme Court will see the substance of this case more clearly and will examine the importance of improving the status of the Mourdeka field in a national cultural heritage.
“Currently, cassation equipment is still in the construction phase by the legal team. We hope that this effort will be able to produce results in favor of public interest,” said Miduk in his official declaration on Saturday (3/22).
He also invited various elements of the company, including academics, journalists, television and radio presenters, influencers to lose thinkers, to the voice of the importance of Medan Merdeka Square as a heir and to the national heritage.
According to Miduk, Merdeka Square is not only a green open space, but also a witness to the history of the struggle of the nation. It has a physical value (tangible) and an intangible (intangible) historical value which must be maintained in order to remain durable.
“It is not only a question of the country of independence, but also of the long history of collage there. We do this as constitutional responsibility organized in UU n ° 10 in 2011 on cultural culture, to protect and protect the historical heritage of Indonesia,” he said. (Wol / mrz / d2)
Publisher: Rice Release
Sources 2/ https://www.waspada.co.id/gugatan-revitalisasi-lapangan-merdeka-medan-ditolak-pn-dan-pt-koalisi-masyarakat-sipil-medan-sumut-ajukan-kasasi/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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