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Türkiye in the troubles: Erdogan reprimands the demonstrations, the mayor was arrested

Türkiye in the troubles: Erdogan reprimands the demonstrations, the mayor was arrested



On Sunday, a court of Istanbul solidified the arrest of the mayor of Istanbul Ekrem Imamoglu. He was arrested last week alongside dozens of others during a large police raid. The arrest sparked massive demonstrations in Türkiye. Arrest is considered a political motivation and another stage on the authoritarian road in Türkiye.

Imamoglu was detained for corruption, said state media said. He is also detained for accusations of “terror”. Imamoglu “was arrested by the Criminal Tribunal to which he was mentioned in the” corruption “investigation,” reported that Anadolu's press Angency.

The popular mayor is a member of the Republican People's Party (CHP) and was to be widely challenged by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the next elections. Erdogan and his AKP party have been in power for two decades.

With the Vladimir Putin of Russia and several other leaders, the AKP is one of the growing authoritarian parties that have dominated a certain number of countries in the past decade.

As such, this arrest in Türkiye has potential global ramifications because other authorities can draw inspiration from it.

People participate in a demonstration the day the mayor of Istanbul Ekrem Imamoglu was imprisoned, in Istanbul, Turkey, March 23, 2025 (Credit: Reuters / Umit Bektas)

Ankara's desire for authoritarianism arrives at a key moment. The region is at the crossroads. Turkey could play a more important role in Syria because there is a new government there. He is also in fishing for positive links with the new Trump administration. He wants to get around Iran's sanctions and also play a role with Russia.

The Trump administration has made awareness of Moscow and Tehran. Ankara could play a role in this new regional order. Ankara is a key partner with Doha. Doha and Ankara Dos of Hamas.

Doha also has a key influence on politicians in the West and even in Israel. As such, the support of Doha d'Ankara and the new Syrian government has wider ramifications. For this reason, what is happening in Türkiye in matters of things.

“No despair!” Continue to fight! ” The CHP Tukish wrote on social networks during the weekend. Rudaw, a Kurdish media, noted that “Imamoglu's arrest also came while the CHP advanced with a primary to elect Imamoglu as a candidate against Erdogan in 2028.

The opposition

The polls were opened to everyone, not only to the members of the CHP, because the party sought to strengthen the support of its arrested mayor. Dozens of people were arrested to protest against his arrest.

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“There has been a political interference in the desire of millions of citizens. This mentality, which has increased tension in Turkey for decades and leading to society in troubles, continues to cause the greatest pain in internal peace of Turkey,” said the co-chanting of the party of Dem Turncer Bakirhan on social media.

It is likely that the arrest will take place. The previous demonstrations in Türkiye did not achieve much for the opposition. Turkey has owned other opposition politicians in the past.

It is likely that this can temporarily weaken the opposition. Imamoglu was considered a young and more dynamic face for the CHP, which suffered from the establishment of candidates for aging against AKP in the past.




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