Sounds in the bud – Pakistan

Despite the media that the media focuses on the remarks reported by the army chief at the meeting of the National Security Parliamentary Committee (PCN) earlier this week, the Huddle also saw an agreement on a renewal of measures to combat complete terrorism such as the National Action Plan (NAP).
The NAP was developed and approved by consensus after the terrorist attack and the massacre of students at the public school of the army in 2014 and, as Baqir Sajjad Syed recalls in its dawn report on the meeting of PCNS, was designed to combat terrorism by terrorism. He was revised in 2021.
Point n ° 14 of the original nap, and n ° 10 in the revised version of 2021, calls for reconciliation efforts in Balutchistan side by side with all the kinetic operations necessary to combat the increase in militancy, even terrorism targeting civilians, in the province.
The main difference between the new and the old action points is that, although the old version called on the provincial government to take the lead in reconciliation, the 2021 version did not prescribe the process (if it were to start).
It is important for everyone who thinks in the country, including Balutchistan, to offer concrete suggestions.
It is not clear if the later version was a recognition of criticism, in particular in Balutchistan of the implementation, considered to be imposed in the province via selected people rather than elected people, and that would have a lot to lose if a truly elected system should be inaugurated.
The benchmark for criticisms is the priority of the Balutch, which began with the subversion of the provincial government, before the crucial elections of the Senate in March 2018, by the same intelligence officials who are blamed today for having facilitated the return of TTP activists in the districts merged a little after Ptis Imran Khan became the Prime Minister in 2018.
Given the civil-military determination of fighting against activism / terrorism in a multidimensional and structured manner, it is important that all people of reflection in the country, including Balutchistan, do not criticize and also condemn concrete suggestions.
I have spoken to many people, including Balouthes friends and to offer my own list of measures that can restore a certain mental health to the speech and re -engage constitutionalists such as the former chief minister of Balutchistan, Sardar Akhtar Mengal, who declared that he had abandoned hope.
Politicians like Dr. Malik Baloch, a Balutch nationalist, who remains a peaceful defender of the rights of his provinces, should be listened to, not only invited to meetings and then ignored. As a chief minister, he strives to present tirelessly to present his legitimate voters, within the limits of the Federation, and to address them by the Center, the Council for common interests and all other institutional forums. The soft manner has failed.
Hed was also responsible, with its coalition partner, PML-NS, the LT-Gen Qadir Baloch, to initiate a dialogue with distant balouts leaders in an attempt at reconciliation, but was made to cut a desolate figure because, despite a positive response from the interlocutors, there was no follow-up. The state has never been interested or has changed his mind.
These politicians and others like them who have put their faith in the Constitution and the Federation are unpleasant for the State for a reason: they reflect and articulate the concerns of those who elect them.
In the first step, it must change. It is time to recognize that their mastery voice can serve as dedicated echo rooms but cannot deliver and have zero Cred.
As already mentioned in these columns, the question of missing must be addressed. It would take courage to start our own process of truth and reconciliation. But no more courage than what is displayed by our soldiers who face a hail of bullets every day to do their duty and offer the supreme sacrifice.
One of the most brilliant minds of Pakistans and the most important expert in public / intellectual policy Rafiullah Kakar also highlights several other questions. He told Shehzad Ghias Shaikhs Pakistan Experience Podcast that all the goodwill created by the 18th Amendment, the NFC Award and Aghaz-I-Huqooq-I-Balochistan between 2008 and 2013, which encouraged nationalists to contest the current 2013 elections.
Economic rights have a non -different image of the province's political rights. For example, even before the 18th amendment, ownership of all natural resources, minerals (with the exception of gas and petroleum) belonged to the provinces.
Despite this, the Saindak contract signed in 2002 gave a share of 50% of the benefit to the Chinese, 48pc in the center and 2pc (yes, two) in the government of Balutchistan. The 18th amendment (2010) granted 50pc property in gas and oil production in Balutchistan. It was to cover all new contracts.
In Aghaz-I-Huqooq, it was promised that Saindak would be handed over to Balutchistan in 2012 to decide on the terms of contract renewal, etc., but the government of Balutchistan was twisted to accept a five-year extension, while the chief minister of the time, Raisani, was transferred under pressure. The contract was extended twice in 2017 when Dr. Maliks' efforts were thwarted and, not surprisingly, BAP also sold in 2022 for another extension.
Another irritant is natural gas where Balutchistan produces at least seven to eight times what it consumes and consumption is subsidized; Here too, there is only one loser.
Defenders of the status quo say that the spread of the province makes any infrastructure invible to deliver gas everywhere. Then, what would they say of remarkably sad statistics of the Benazir income support program where, according to three different criteria, the Balochistan population represents 9pc to 10pc from the poorest country, but receives only 3 PCs to 4PC as part of this largely acclaimed poverty reduction system?
There is much more to say and do, but Balutchistan can be brought back from the abyss in the dominant current. It is not easy to cite control. It will take political will.
The writer is a former editor -in -chief of Dawn.
Posted in Dawn, March 23, 2025
Sources 2/ https://www.dawn.com/news/1899791 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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