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Trump targets lawyers who, according to him, file “frivolous” proceedings against his administration

Trump targets lawyers who, according to him, file “frivolous” proceedings against his administration



A new memo by President Donald Trump, who authorized the Attorney General and the Homeland Security Secretary to sanction law firms who bother prosecution they consider frivolous “is a major escalation of his aggression of intensification of law firms, legal experts and former officials of the Ministry of Justice at NBC News.

The presidential memorandum, preventing the abuses of the legal system and the federal court, also ordered the Attorney General Pam Bondi to recommend lawyers' security authorizations or to end the federal contracts of law firms if it judges their prosecution against the administration “unreasonable” or “vexatious”.

The memo, which was published on Saturday, follows decrees against three companies: Covington & Burling, which provided pro Bono legal services to the former special lawyer Jack Smith, who obtained an indictment against Trump; Perkins Coie, who represented Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign and worked with a opposition research firm that compiled a discredited file against Trump; And Paul Weiss, where a former firm partner, Mark Pomerantz, tried to build a criminal case against Trump while working at the Manhattan district prosecutors several years ago.

Executive orders have suspended the safety authorizations of business employees and prevented them from certain federal buildings, measures that would make them difficult to represent customers.

Most importantly, the orders have said that federal contracts for customer law firms should also be examined. Brad Karp, the president of Paul Weiss who was criticized for having concluded an agreement with Trump last week, quoted this threat in a message to the employees who disclosed shortly after having sent it.

“The decree could have easily destroyed our business,” Karp wrote. “In particular, he threatened our customers with the loss of their government contracts and loss of access to the government, if they continued to use the office as lawyers.”

Trump Ally Steve Bannon said last week that Trump's goal was to bankrupt businesses that the administration perceives as enemies.

He will put these law firms at bankruptcy, said Bannon. What we are trying to do is put you in the puff of business and put you bankrupt.

A group of 22 civil rights organizations, including the NAACP and American Civil Liberties Union, condemned the new memorandum in a statement. They argued that it was intended to cool dissent, to avoid responsibility and to arm the government to attack the opponents of this administration and its actions without law.

The White House officials defended this decision.

President Trump holds his promise to ensure that the justice system is no longer armed against the American people. The president wins solely on the remuneration is the success and the historical achievements of the American people, said the assistant press secretary of the White House, Taylor Rogers, in a statement to press organizations.

David LAUFMAN, a former head of the counterintelligence section of the Ministry of Justice who sat in republican and democratic administrations, called on the use of executive power to intimidate the law firms and unprecedented lawyers.

If someone, in a previous White House in the modern era, had already developed such an authoritarian plan to silence and punish the legal profession, the attorney general and lawyer for the White House would have been discreetly intervened and the plan would have been quickly put aside, he said by SMS.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Internal Security did not immediately respond to requests for comments.

A former senior official of the Ministry of Justice called the autocratic of moving.

The president does not appreciate how a contradictory legal system works and the role of a impartial judge in this process, said the former official, who asked for anonymity due to concerns about reprisals.

This is the best way to expose weak evidence and erroneous arguments, “he added.” The president rejects this system in favor of that in which he wins and his adversaries and punished and it is not justice; It is autocracy.

Legal experts have also accused Trump of hypocrisy, noting that his own lawyers have violated rule 11 of federal civil procedure rules, which prevent lawyers from making false complaints or frivolous in court.

The former senior official of the Ministry of Justice said that Trumps' legal claims that Joe Biden won the main swing states in 2020 by submitting fraudulent ballots failed to comply with the standards of rule 11 that Trump cited in his memorandum.

Last year, the Supreme Court rejected a call from Sidney Powelland, other Trump lawyers who were ordered to pay $ 150,000 in sanctions for the deposit of legal action contesting the 2020 elections in Michigan. Powell also pleaded guilty in Georgia for state criminal charges relating to his efforts to reverse Trump's losses.

A principal lawyer for a law firm who continued the administration said that the issues were clear.

He frightened the very sector of the company between Trump and tyranny, “said the lawyer.” Lawyers file prosecution and they obtain decisions that judge whether the administration has done is constitutional or not. And it is our system of government.

I do not think that the severity of this can be overestimated, added the lawyer, a former federal prosecutor. Lawyers like this are a check. And if no one brings things to the courts, nothing will be stopped.




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