Talk to the terrorists | Pakistan today

City notes
Well, it's official. Imran Khan is as transactional as Donald Trump. By preventing his party from attending the meeting of the National Security Committee, he showed that this was more concerned with himself than the wave of terrorism that has spread to the country.
It was probably not a surprise for anyone who opposes Mr. Khan, while he offers his supporters the opportunity (which they will fail) to see that he has become another politician who believes that national interest and his personal and political interest are one and the same thing.
Imran wanted to be released from prison. Well, what brilliant ideas were they going to bring before the NSC? Give a haircut to Ali Amin Gandapur? Maybe this time it would be a shaving of the head. Ali Amin attended Reunion, but does not seem to have been seen. Perhaps it was sprawled in its seat (or perhaps even below), sleeping effects of its pots the previous night.
IMRN might have suggested that political leaders (like him) should reach out to the Balutchistan people and Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa in the form of conference visits. Long and long conference visits, with gaps of two and three days between conferences that would allow it to pass to Lahore for a little rest and leisure.
You know, like the long walk so long ago, so roughly interrupted in Wazirabad by the assassination attempt Onimrn Khan, when he only escaped from his life by lowering and weaving recalling the matrix. The procedure had been that the procession is accompanied by a few kilometers, IMRN returning to Lahore for the night, and joining the procession where it had reached. When the procession reached Rawlpindi (which he did when Imran had recovered from his injuries), joining him from Lahore was only a few hours.
This is how Imran has always done things. I mean, during the D-Chok Dharna in 2014, he went to his residence of Gala Bani every night, back the next morning. Well, at the end of the afternoon, in fact. And now it is an older decade, so if you send it to the Baloch and KP hinterland, you should provide enough time for naps.
I assume that Imran Khan would give conferences the Balutch and the inhabitants of KP about the reverse swing. At the same time, he would warn them of the dangers of Shaheen Shah Afriei on the same wavelength. I mean. He queuits in this fourth T20I, when Pakistan abandoned the series against New Zealand.
Perhaps nothing was poignant than Pakistan having lost the day of Pakistan. Ive tried to follow the subtleties of the captain, where it seems that, after losing Captain T20 because we lost the Champions 50 trophy, Rizwan maintains the 50 -year -old captain. So why not do Azam Khan, the Montaine man, the captain?
Folder note to these notes: the ceasefire in Gaza ended. Well, in recent days, it was not really a ceasefire, right? I am not sure of the end of what was finished. With the ceasefire, we made Sehri and Iftar under the threat of bombs in Palestine.
Now, constantly, we make a threat of sehri Andiftarind bombs. And I'm talking here, in KP and Balutchistan. And the government has not left the only man, apparently, who can speak to them, Imran Khan, loose.
Sources 2/ https://www.pakistantoday.com.pk/2025/03/23/talking-to-the-terrorists/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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