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PM Modifols Death of the eminent Gandhian Krishna Bharati

PM Modifols Death of the eminent Gandhian Krishna Bharati



New Delhi:

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Sunday, expressed sorrow about the death of Krishna Bharati, a Gandhien and a daughter of the Freedom Fighter, the late Pasala Krishna Murthy, who was completely devoted to the principles of the Gandhi and devoted her life to national construction by the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi.

Taking on the social media platform X, the Prime Minister's office said: “Pouxed by the death of Pasala Krishna Bharathi Ji. She was devoted to Gandhian values ​​and devoted her life to the construction of the nation, through the ideals of Bapu. She marvelously advanced the inheritance of her parents, who were active during our fight against freedom. @Narendramodi.

Krishna Bharati died in Hyderabad on Sunday. She was 92 years old.

She breathed her last at her residence in Snehapuri's colony after a brief illness.

Originally from the District of Western Godavari of Andhra Pradesh, she was the second daughter of the fighters of Liberty Pasala Krishna Murthy and Anja Lakshmi.

Krishna Bharati strongly believed in Gandhian values ​​and confirmed the same thing throughout her life. She also endeavored from the elevation of the dalits. She had made donations to educational establishments and goshalas.

Krishna Bharati was not married and left to mourn four brothers and three sisters.

The chief minister of Andhra Pradesh, N. Chandrababu Naidu, condemned the death of Krishna Bharati. He recalled his services to raise an education in the weakest sections of society.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi affected Krishna Bharati's feet in Andhra Pradesh Bhimavaram

The Prime Minister also called the other members of the family of Pasala Krishna Murthy.

Born in 1900 in the village of West Vipparru in Tadepalligudem Taluka from the West Godavari district, Pasala Krishna Murthy joined the Congress party with his wife in 1921.

Krishna Motherthy and his wife had deployed the Indian flag to the office of the Bhimavaram sub-collector in 1932, for which they were imprisoned.

Anja Lakshmi had given birth to Krishna Bharati in prison. Krishna Bharati had spent the first 10 months of her life in prison.

Krishna Murthy's couple donated all their property for the Freedom movement and participated in the Salt Satyagraha (Dandi March). When the Mahatma Gandhi visited the West Godavari district, Krishna Motherthy was his personal secretary.

The couple had also participated in the Bhoodan movement by Vinoba Bhave and had obtained house sites for dalits in their villages.

Krishna Murthy died in 1978.

(This story has not been published by NDTV staff and is automatically generated from a unionized flow.)




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