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Applause to tighten thalis and lighting DIYas: how India observed the “jukeg curve” five years ago

Applause to tighten thalis and lighting DIYas: how India observed the “jukeg curve” five years ago



Five years ago, India stopped when Prime Minister Narendra Modi on March 24, 2020 announced a national locking to tackle the fast-growing Covid-19 pandemic. This drastic measure was taken a few days after the World Health Organization (WHO) said COVVI-19 a pandemic on March 11, 2020.

The pandemic had a deep impact on India, leading to generalized changes in various aspects of life, including hybrid work environments, the adoption of digital technologies and an increased feeling of hygiene and mask milk, among others.

While explaining the new measure, declared Prime Minister Modi, each state, each territory of the Union, each district, each village and each locality is put under a locking. This is actually a curfew, stricter than the jukewar curfew.
The Indian government has defined social distancing as a prevention and control intervention for non -pharmaceutical infections used to avoid / reduce contacts between those infected with a pathogenic pathogen and those who are not. As a result, the propagation, morbidity and death rates of the disease decrease.

Millions of people stood on their balconies And the roofs to hit Thalis in a demonstration of support for doctors, nurses and other workers involved in the fight against COVID-19. This came after the PM Modi urged everyone to make noise for 10 minutes to show its gratitude.

Several even celebrated by raising slogans from Jai Corona, applauding and enlightening Diyas. Famous figures for ordinary people, many participated in the exercise.

Prime Minister Modi also lit Diyas at his home for 9 minutes from 9 p.m. In a post X, he shared his photos with a Sanskrit shloka.

Sharing the image while lighting the lamp, Nirmala Sitharaman wrote, at home, 9 p.m.: Lighting Diyas for a few moments of mindfulness and the thought of our community, even if we work day and night as the only nation. #IndiafightScoronAvirus

Other notable personalities such as the president, the vice-president and the ministers of the Union as well as the ministers in chief of various states have also gathered for light land lamps.

Amitabh Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and others Celebrities have also applauded to show their support for People providing essential services.

The chief minister of Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath also supported the bells in Gorakhpur.

March 22, 2020#Jantacurfew ????

The Prime Minister thanked the people for responding to their call to the janata curfew, saying that people joined hearts to thank people for having led the fight against the coronavirus. I express my gratitude to the people of the nation.




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