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The Starmer government should spend 6.43 Billions at the end of Parliament

The Starmer government should spend 6.43 Billions at the end of Parliament



Embgo: Sunday March 23, 2025

  • The Starmer government is expected to spend 6.43 billions by the end of the Parliament, despite calls for discounts.
  • Starmer was the second PM to spend the highest since the Second World War, behind only Boris Johnson.
  • Four of the ten largest years of spending during this period will be during startmers during the time.

Despite warnings concerning the discounts of public spending in the Wednesday declaration, the analysis of the Taxpayers Alliance revealed that Average expenses under Keir StarmeR in percentage of GDP will be the second higher of the very Prime Minister of post-war period.

During this Parliament, the government should spend a total of 6.43 Billionsor on average 45% of GDP per year, Behind Boris Johnson at 45.4% of GDP. But johnson figures are distorted by the pandemic years, which means that of ten years with the highest expenses Since 1948, Starmer will have chaired four At the end of Parliament, compared to two for Johnson.

On the current trajectory, the analysis also reveals that at the end of the real terms of the Parliament, public spending will be more than double what it was at the turn of the millennium. This will mean that in 2029-30, Public expenses per household is set to reach 45 184Against 43,670 in 2024-25.

Taxpayers alliances debt clock shows the national debt of the UKS, using the definition of the net debt of the public sector to the exclusion of the Bank of England, increasing to 6,284 per second or 543 million per day.

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Key results:

  • Public spending is expected to reach a record summit of 1.27 Billion in 2025-26, 23.2 billion more than expenses at the top of the pandemic in 2020-2021 and up 20% of pre-Pandemic levels.
  • By 2029-30, public spending per household should reach 45,184, against 43,670 in 2024-25.
  • At the end of this Parliament, real public spending will be more than double what it was at the turn of the millennium, 1.32 Billion in 2028-2010 against 654 billion in 1999-00.
  • The current government will have spent a total of 6.43 Billions by the end of this Parliament.
  • Public spending should represent 45.3% of GDP in 2025-2010. This level of expenditure was only exceeded four times in the post-war period:

    • Using the Pandemic COVID-19 in 2020-2021, when it was 53%.
    • In the wake of the great financial crisis when it was 46.4 and 45.7% of 2009-11.
    • During the Sterling book crisis in 1975-1976, when it was 46.5%.
  • Although the expenses fell after the last two crises, it has remained at historically high levels after the COVID-19 pandemic, suggesting a permanent state expansion.
  • Margaret Thatcher reached the lowest level of public spending as a percentage of GDP in the post-war period, 34.6% of GDP in 1988-1989.
  • As a percentage of GDP, average expenses under Keir Starmer will be the second first post-war prime minister at 45%. Only Boris Johnson, who chaired the COVVI-19 pandemic, exceeds this at 45.4%.
  • Keir Starmer will chair more than four of the ten years with the highest expenses since 1948:

    • Boris Johnson presided over two
    • David Cameron, Gordon Brown, James Callaghan and Harold Wilson presided over each one.

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John Oconnell, Director General of the Taxpayers Alliance, said:

“The speech on spending reductions in the next spring declaration should not deceive anyone in view of the territory of state size.

Even if Reeves manages to cut part of the fat on Wednesday, reality will always be an austerity for taxpayers and the prosperity of the public sector.

The work should not allow reasonable decisions on the Quangs, government credit cards and well-being to convince them that they have done more than the bare minimum in recent weeks.

Maxwell Marlow, director of public affairs at the Adam Smith Institute, said:

These figures should ring the alarms at the top of the government. The rate to which the national debt of the UKS increases is completely unbearable. But unfortunately, they indicate dependence in the United States to spend taxpayers-whether taxpayers today or their future grandchildren.

The problem will only get worse. British public services are ineffective and yet swallow more and more our money and the social protection bill soars – but it is clear that politicians have no idea how they will pay for all this. And now, the government is about to chase high net value individuals – and their taxes and their economic production.

The Government must radically deregulate the economy, abolish unnecessary Quangos, reduce the bill of well-being-in particular state pension and encourage more creators of wealth to come in the United Kingdom as a question of emergency

TPA spokesperson are available for live broadcast interviews and pre-recorded via 07795 084 113 (no texts)

Media contact:

Elliot Keck
Campaign manager, alliance of taxpayers
Media hotline 24 hours a day: 07795 084 113 (no texts)

Remarks to publishers:

  1. Founded in 2004 by Matthew Elliott and Andrew Allim, the taxpayer alliance campaign (TPA) to reform taxes and public services, reduces waste and is expressed for British taxpayers. Learn more about
  2. Alliance of taxpayers research advice.




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