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Trump Ally transports a new message from China to us

Trump Ally transports a new message from China to us



Sunday 2, China expressed its frustration in the face of the management of trade links with the United States and called for win-win cooperation.

Prime Minister Li Qiang made these remarks during a visit to Beijing by Senator Steve Daines (R-MT), a close ally of President Donald Trump.

Why it matters

The visit of Daines – by putting a delegation which included business leaders such as the CEO of Qualcomm Cristiano Amon and the CEO of Fedex Corp., Raj Subramaniam, was the first by an American legislator since the start of the second term of Trump.

The administration moved earlier this month to double its coverage price on Chinese products at 20%, citing the flow of fatal fentanyl in the country. Chinese officials have repeatedly accused the United States of trade armaments.

Nowsweek contacted the Chinese Foreign Affairs Ministry by email with a request for comments.

What to know

The American-chinoine links are at the crossroads, the Chinese state media quoted on Sunday during his meeting with the visit delegation.

Li said there were no winners in a trade war and warned that prosecution would not lead to prosperity.

Li added that commercial imbalances and other areas of concern should be treated by more in -depth cooperation – an apparent reference to the American trade deficit with China.

Qiang greets Daines
Photo of file: Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang, on the right, welcomes the American senator Steve Daines before a meeting in the Fujian hall in the great people's room in Beijing, China, Sunday, March 23.

Le Guan / Associated Press

The American trade deficit with China, a bug for Trump for a long time, amounted to $ 295 billion last year.

Trump is committed to inaugurating a new golden age of American manufacturing. Economists have stressed that the decline of manufacturing in American GDP – despite the production and productivity gains – is part of a long -term structural passage from an economy motivated by agriculture to manufacturing, then to services.

“China still welcomes businesses from around the world, including the United States, to share development opportunities in China, and will actively respond to their legitimate requests, will process national and foreign companies as equal and will continue to promote a solid commercial environment,” said LI.

According to a press release from the Daines office, the senator reiterated Trump's call to limit Chinese exports of chemical precursors used to make fentanyl to the United States, where it was blamed for having caused tens of thousands of deaths each year.

The Chinese state media did not specify if Li directly answered the question of fentanyl at the meeting.

Previous reports have cited familiar Chinese officials with the question that expressed his frustration as to the lack of clear Washington requests on the specific actions necessary to raise new prices.

Chinese authorities earlier this month have published a list of actions which, according to them, have been taken, including repressions on the precursor industry and commitment to several high-level discussions with US officials.

A price is essentially a trade on trade, generally paid by importers, who often transmit the additional cost to consumers in the form of higher prices.

What people say

Steve Daines' office said in a statement: “Senator Daines appreciated Prime Minister LI for meeting the CEOs of seven American companies who have shared their several decades commitment to business in China as well as their current challenges.

“The senator also underlined President Trump's call for the decisive action of China to place the flow of precursors of fentanyl and put an end to their devastating impact on the American people.”

What happens next

The Sunday's meeting can help open the way to face-to-face talks between Trump and President Xi Jinping, similar to the way the former secretary of state Antony Blinken and other officials made the foundations for a long-term Biden-Xe summit in San Francisco at the end of 2023 at the height of the tensions of American China.

Trump suggested that Xi could visit the United States in the “not too far future”, although no detail has emerged on any negotiations to such a meeting.




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