The president of PP Kagama Mr. Basuki Hadimuljono must descend the mountain, the controversial facilitator of the Jokowi diploma

By: HERU SUBAGIA (President of Kagama CIREBON)
G -News.id, Cirebon, March 24, 2025 – Finally, the clarifications of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) actually increases a new chaos, both internally in UGM, among the old and in the general public. The clarification in question, which should be an effort to facilitate the controversy surrounding the diploma of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), adds rather to the discomfort and dissatisfaction of various parts. UGM's decision to stop this controversy is not enough to calm the situation, even increases controversy.
Various parties, both former UGM students and external parties, immediately responded to the clarification by an argument which aims to continue or at least reduce the official declaration of the UGM published via the official web portal of the University. This leads to uncertainty among the public, which ultimately makes this controversy more difficult to control.
To prevent this situation from getting worse, I am sure that there is only one solution: sit together. The open dialogue involving all interested parties is the most appropriate step to solve this problem. The truth, in the end, will find its own way, and no one can prevent it. Therefore, it is important for us to find the truth in a transparent and responsible way.
Also read: call for elders and the management of UGM alumni, responding to the controversy of the false Joko Widodo diploma with reconciliation
I consider that the most appropriate step is to invite President Joko Widodo to come directly to the UGM rectorate. As a concrete stage, Jokowi must provide an original diploma and show it during an open press conference. This action will not only solve the problem, but also shows an open and transparent attitude of a head of countries who must give an example in terms of honesty.
Ironically, clarification is not itself Jokowi, but various parts in the UGM, including faculties, managers and the old ones. It is regrettable, because what should bring clarification is the owner of the diploma itself. Clarification of other parties, although it is important, will never be able to replace the truth which can only be transmitted by the person concerned. Consequently, the material test on the Jokowi diploma must be done so that all parties know that this process is legally legally and academic.
I am sure that the presence of Jokowi in UGM by providing the original diploma will be an act of knights and wise men. This is a step that shows courage and wisdom to solve the problem in the right way, not by closing or omitting. Thanks to this action, the controversy will be completely completed and all the parties will obtain the certainty they need.
The most complete regulation is the reconciliation stage between the ancients, the rector, the community in the broad sense and Jokowi. This will open the way to a better understanding, as well as to create an understanding that can extinguish speculation and doubts that continue to develop. This reconciliation must involve the commitment to all parties to respect the truth and to end this unproductive controversy.
Read also: polemical diploma of Jokowi, towards eternal peace by transparency and reconciliation
Once the diploma has been shown, the next step was the joint service involving the rector, former students and Jokowi. This is very important to ensure that the diploma is legally recognized both in terms of university, social and morality. With the service, we hope that this controversy will no longer appear in the future.
It is very important for the general president of PP Kagama (UGM Alumni Association), Mr. Basuki Hadimuljono, to intervene as a facilitator or mediator between the representatives of the rector, the Jokowi and the Elders. Mr. Basuki as a respected figure has a strategic role in maintaining the credibility of the UGM and the facilitation of the constructive dialogue between all the parties involved. Its role in promoting the supremacy of truth will greatly determine the continuation of this controversy.
In the end, the truth will always reach the target point in its own way. There is no cunning or deception that can hide the truth forever. This controversy must be resolved immediately in an honest and open way so that it no longer creates divisions among the community, former students and university. Let us focus on the dignified regulations and give an example to this nation (REDG)
Sources 2/ https://www.g-news.id/opini/1581124542/ketua-umum-pp-kagama-bapak-basuki-hadimuljono-wajib-turun-gunung-fasilitator-polemik-ijazah-jokowi The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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