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Military veterans become the face of Trump's government cuts

Military veterans become the face of Trump's government cuts



Washington (AP) While Congress legislators are jostling to respond to President Donald Trumps reduces the federal government, a group already takes on a role from the front and central: military veterans.

From dismissals of the Department of Veterans Affairs to a purge of the Pentagon of the Archives which documented diversity in the army, the veterans were very affected by the actions of the asset. And with the republican president determined to continue to reduce the federal government, the burden will only develop on veterans, who represent around 30% of the federal workforce and often exploit the benefits of the government they have won with their military service.

At a time of crisis for all our veterans, the system of health care and benefits was disastrously and shamefully put on the Cup block by the Trump administration, said Senator Richard Blumenthal, the best democrat of the Senate Committee for the Affairs of Veterans Affairs, at a press conference last week.

Most of the veterans voted for Trump last year nearly 6 out of 10, according to Votacast, a national survey of more than 120,000 voters. However, Congress Republicans support Trumps' goals even though they meet a fierce decline in their original districts. In a series of town hall this week, veterans confronted the republican members with anger when they defended the cuts made by Trump Elon Musk Department of Government Efficient.

Do your job! Jay Carey, a military veteran, shouted the Republican representative Chuck Edwards in a town hall in North Carolina.

IM A retired military officer, a participant in another Wyoming forum, told Republican representative Harriet Hageman before wondering if Doge had in fact discovered fraud.

Although the Republican President of the House, Mike Johnson, advised his members to jump the town halls and said they were filled with paid demonstrators, some Republicans still held them and tried to respond to criticism.

He looks radical, but this is not the case. I call it the stewardship, in my opinion, the republican representative Gus Bilirakis of Florida said on a television room. I think they are doing well by the American taxpayer. And I support this principle of Doge.

However, some Republicans have expressed discomfort with the apparently criminal dismissals of veterans, especially when they were not wrapped in the administration plans. On Friday, at the Town Hall, the republican representative of Texas Dan Crenshaw told the public, learned this kind of thing at the speed of light, as you are. I think there have been babies thrown with bath water here, but they always collected information about it.

Crenshaw, a former Navy Seal, added, if you do a job that we need you, you do it well, yes, we have to fight for you.

The republican president of the veterans committee of the Chamber, representing Mike Bost, assured that the listeners in a television room last week that he and the secretary of veterans Doug Collins speak regularly. While the will implement the intention to reduce approximately 80,000 jobs, Bost said that he was looking closely at the process, but he expressed his support and has echoed the assurances of Collins that the care and social benefits of veterans will not be reduced.

They cut a lot, but understand this: the essential jobs are not cut, said Bost, but then added that his office helped alert the VA when people with essential jobs had in fact been dismissed.

This month has ordered the Trump administration of the Trump administration to rehire the probationary employees who have been released in mass layoffs. In va, some of these employees have now been put on administrative leave, but a feeling of dread and confusion is still suspended from a large part of the federal workforce.

All of them wondered what to follow, said Dan Foster, an army veteran of the state of Washington who lost his job when the VA has canceled a contract supporting a program that educates the military on how to access their advantages and their programs.

Others are angry that they have been described as dead weights and cut in the jobs they estimated at a direct role by helping veterans get health care.

For someone to do the news and say that we are incompetent or lazy who are simply false, said Future Zhou, an army veteran who had a job to manage the inventories of the medical offer for the operating rooms at the establishment goes to Puget Sound, Washington, before his dismissal in February.

While the Democrats are looking for their political foot and their rallying point to unify them, they focused on the cause of the protection of veterans. Both in the House and the Senate, the Democrats introduced legislation that would protect veterans from mass dismissals. And when Trump spoke at the congress this month, many legislators invited veterans as guests.

They are indignant, Senator Tammy Duckworth, an Illinois democrat who is a veteran of the war in Iraq and former assistant secretary at the VA. They said Donald Trump had promised to pay them. And the first thing he does is to fire them.

The Democrats already press their republican colleagues to show their support for veterans. In negotiations to allow the adoption of a government financing bill supported by the Republicans this month, the Democrats obtained a vote to modify the package to include the language that would protect veterans from federal layoffs. But he failed on the lines of parties in part because the last minute change would have made it possible that the Congress missed the deadline to avoid a closure.

In an eye on the mid-term elections, the voters, a defense group of the veterans on the left, already launches video advertisements which present veterans sharing their stories of dismissal and accusation of the members of the Congress to do nothing. Ads are sent to five potential swing districts held by Republicans who are themselves veterans.

Senator Ruben Gallego, an Arizona Democrat who is also a veteran, said he was not sure if the veterans were going to move their political allegiance.

But he said he is at least clear that the veterans are annoyed.

Gallego said there is an opportunity for Democrats to hammer the message that Elon Musk and his friends simply prefer to face the results and try to save billions of dollars so that they can have more tax reductions at the expense of veterans.


The editors of the Associated Press Meg Kinnard in Chapin, SC, and Kate Payne in Tallahassee, Florida, contributed.




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