Vaneisa: Why not stop now? Intimidation should not be our lifestyle

It is a bit strange that I wanted to return to the discussion on trauma, in particular the impact of intimidation, before the question rises vehemently in public space.
The story of five years of alleged physical violence at St Marys College suffered by a student, who was expelled when he finally retaliated in kind to the man who is now Trinidad and the Prime Minister of Tobagos, has brought to light dirt that we do not think.
A boy is the victim of intimidation at school. Photo: Getty.
As would be expected, political fanatics have increased forward, trying to distract from what should be a catalyst for a national confrontation of the prevalence and destructiveness of this shameful characteristic of our society.
If we care about our future, we must ignore them and focus on the things we have ignored for too long.
It is regrettable that the Prime Minister did not take the opportunity to underline the point that he had made a few days before that he was engaged in transparency and justice.
To locate this in the parameters of something that had happened 33 years ago, without saying what his real role was, without apologizing to the people he had intimidated, and the folding around the problem is generally alarming and disappointing.
Prime Minister Stuart Young.Photo: PNM.
If we convince ourselves that these are the repeated actions of a 17 -year -old, we miss what was in fact bare before us.
Online comments were intense. Lasana Liburd, a journalist whose integrity is irrefutable, was moved to defend his former classmate because he has witnessed what has been going on for years.
People attacked him, suggesting that it was he who initiated the surface of this story, but Lasana did not allow any stone. He did what he felt forced to do in the name of equity.
In a balanced room, he invoked the prevalence of intimidation in schools as he described the culture of his Alma Mater. Obviously, many people could identify with this culture and many, coming online to say how they were victims of intimidation and how they also intimidated.
Prestige schools took a hit, especially those of boys, although girls have their fair share.
Has anyone even thought of the horrible violence which is now common in schools that fall outside the prestige medium?
Student surface videos by fighting so that everyone can condemn. Who can say that it is not the same thing in privilege institutions? Perhaps they are better equipped to keep it under the Wraps.
Is this one of our dirty little secrets?
The supporters of St Mary's College celebrate their triumph over Trinity College East during an SSFL competition on September 9, 2015. Photo: Allan V Crane / Wired868.
Obviously, there was a concealment ago all these years ago, and the result could only be what it was because the administration set things.
We live in a small country, and for all holders of functions which release their three or four reflections on social networks, there are many who speak offline.
Not everyone has the courage of Lasana to go courageous with what they know the most are rightly afraid of victimization, but people will corroborate in private what they dare not do publicly.
When you have collected enough stories by saying the same thing independently, you get the image if you can call the names of your sources.
Prime Minister Stuart Young (left) at a meeting with a spiritual Baptist delegation. Photo: Prime Minister's office.
But even if the Prime Minister has missed the opportunity to bring something significant to this necessary discussion, as citizens, we can initiate our own conversation for ourselves.
First, we can ask ourselves difficult questions. Why do people intimidate? There is probably a root in a kind of trauma. Was the Prime Minister traumatized in his early years?
Lasana followed her article on Wired868 with one on her Facebook page, sharing some of his own schooling behaviors, which he said was not proud.
He found him, he told me, because the writing of what he had witnessed CIC brought back memories. He put it wisely. I think it could be a good opportunity to look at school intimidation and our own childhood, he wrote.
The editor -in -chief and journalist of Wired868, Lasana Liburd (third on the left), poses with former classmates at a meeting for the Stary's College class in 1992.
The point pointed out that 33 years is too long to flirt with these stories is at best fallacious.
The trauma remains. He haunts. It affects life choices.
This company has come out of a traumatic past on several levels. Clr James had written beyond a border on the British code of the steep upper lip which had been deeply rooted in the spirit of childhood.
A code of gentlemans, he frowned on the notion of revealing those which turn or those of the executioners. It allowed intimidation to flourish because if it was reported, we would be considered a hooked, and ostracized and penalized.
To be puny, to be corpulent, to be poor were among the conditions which made targets of young people.
Too often, the cool crowd included those of the elite history: titled, Bad and arrogant. In adolescent years, and I suppose, even in adulthood, humiliation is traumatic.
We have perpetuated a large part of this culture in the way we pay allegiance to the accumulation of external signs of financial wealth.
Intimidation exists everywhere.
The schools are where they take root, but they follow us in our adult life. It has become so standardized that one of the current comments was that it exists everywhere, so stop complaining; It is a lifestyle.
We don't have to let it be, because it is disgusting and bad.
Vaneisa Baksh is a columnist for Trinidad Express, publisher and cricket historian. She is the author of a biography of Sir Frank Worrell.
Sources 2/ https://wired868.com/2025/03/24/vaneisa-why-not-stop-now-bullying-must-not-be-our-way-of-life/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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