The Filipino Defense Head calls China's claims in the Southern China Sea “The greatest fiction and lie”
Manila, Philippines (AP), the Filipino Defense Head called Monday Relatively expansive chinas In the Southern China Sea, the greatest fiction and are that no Southeast Asian country would accept and declared the aggressive policies of Chinese President Xi Jinpings have undermined the international will favored by its predecessors.
Defense secretary, Gilberto Teodoro, pulled his last tirade against Chinas increasingly assertive actions in the region the same day as the Philippine Coast Guard reported separately from new incidents involving Chinese forces in the Scarborough Shoal, A highly contested fishing atoll in the disputed navigable path.
A Chinese military helicopter seemed to have been in line, but did not approach closely, a Philippin luminous plan that undertook a routine patrol on Monday on Scarborough. Chinese forces have installed a new floating barrier separately to prevent Philippin fishermen from entering a lagoon in the loudspeaker, which is off northwest of the Philippines, the Commodore of the Coast Guard of the Philippines, Jay Tarriela, told online information.
There has been no immediate comments from Chinese officials, but in the past, they said on several occasions that Beijing had sovereign control over the Scarborough speaker and most of the southern China Sea since ancient times.
An international arbitration committee invalidated expansive complaints A 2016 decision Based on the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Act of the Sea, but Beijing refused to participate in the arbitration initiated in the Philippines and continues to challenge the decision.
In a speech marking the anniversary of the Western command of the Philippin soldiers in the province of Palawan, which faces the Southern China Sea, Teodoro stressed the need for a stronger national defense posture and a continuous security commitment to the Allied countries to respond to the threat posed by Chinese aggression in the navigable channels, a key global trade route.
No country of the Anase accepts the legitimacy of this line at 10 dashes, because it is the greatest fiction and the lie that can be sold to any person who is to say, Teodoro told the Philippine forces.
He referred to the association of nations of Southeast Asia, a regional block of 10 countries which negotiated a non-aggression pact called the code of conduct with China to prevent territorial conflicts from withdrawing out of control.
The members of the State of Asean, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei, have been involved in long -standing territorial conflicts at the South China Sea. Taiwan also throws an assertion similar to that of China, which has delimited the extent of its declared territory with 10 linear dashes on Chinese cards.
Teodoro said Xi directs a small dictatorship and autocracy and that his clique in the Chinese Communist Party is to blame for what the Defense leader qualified the aggressive and illegal policies of Beijing, not XIS predecessors or the Chinese people.
It is caused by Xi Jinping and his abusive ways that would eventually destroy his management of his party in China and the good will which was nourished by his predecessors, Teodoro told journalists.
The aggressive actions of Chinas in disputed waters prompted the Philippines to build stronger security alliances with friendly countries, said Teodoro.
The Philippines, he said, would sign an agreement of the forces invited with New Zealand next month to allow their forces to embark on the territory of others for joint military exercises. Negotiations have reached the final stadium for a similar agreement with Canadahe said.
President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. authorized the start of negotiations for such an agreement with France, said Teodoro.
US Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth should meet Teodoro on Friday in Manila for talks who, according to Philippin officials, would highlight the concerns concerning the actions affirmed by Chinas in disputed waters and the means of strengthening the decades of the alliance of American-Philippines treaties which for decades.
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