Five years at a time when COVVI-19 locking has struck at home

Prime Minister Narendra Modi left at 8 p.m. on March 24, 2020 to announce the news of national locking to stop the spread of the Sars-Cov-2 virus. | Photo credit: arrangement
From midnight today the whole country, please listen carefully, the whole country will go under a complete locking. In order to protect the country, and each of its citizens, midnight this evening, a complete ban is imposed on people to leave their homes, these are the words of Prime Minister Narendra Modi on March 24, 2020 at 8 p.m.
With this only speech, the socio-economic impact of the unleashed COVID-19 struck the houses in India while the citizens were trying to fill up with grocery store and to prepare for a life where they could not get out of their houses. It was harder than a day's janata curfew. But beyond locking was the sinister reality of lack and deaths that tracked up the streets of India. Now, the memory of deaths, economic distress and mass migration appears to be a dream of foreigners for most Indians. Others have not forgotten the horror of a pandemic who killed people of people in the country.
It's weird to think about it now, to think that something of this scale has happened and that we have especially exceeded it. The way it happened, it never really gave people the opportunity to cry properly either. As if there were times when I am looking for a contact number on my phone and that a keyword shows a multitude of figures, for example, for example, blood groups of people because many people needed blood at that time, explains Rikit, currently working in a law firm based in Delhi Ncr. He was one of the young men who volunteered to help immobile people due to locking.
It was a period when words food, social distancing, oxygen, plasma, EPI (personal protective equipment), N95 mask, contact tracing and remdsivir were part of each conversation.
Life in the slow path
It was also a time when citizens became aware of reality when the pace of life slows down to cook bread or preparing Dalgona coffee. It was only during the locking that I achieved how much life and the livelihoods of most people were precarious. When schools closed, students who could not access online education abandoned the system permanently. However, at a personal level, despite all fear and uncertainty, it was a time when I was forced to slow down and spend more time at home. We have developed new routines, and I am forever grateful to have been able to train new links with my children before leaving at university, explains Natasha Ramarathnam who works in the development sector.
While the home link has become a standard, social isolation was brought back to the house by zoom meetings, stories of success of lots and shared stories of walking on the terraces.
Mental impact
Lockdown had its own ups and downs. Although not going to the office was exciting at the start, seeing people only behind the screens became depressing after a while. I looked, read a lot, but I cannot meet friends or socialize or go out for a breath of fresh air has quickly become suffocating. The new constant of deaths, the unavailability of hospital beds has caused fear and capture of infection in each wave has not helped with my mental health either, no longer remembers K. Padmaja, a communication professional.
The COVVI-19 period was difficult for health professionals, captured as they were to save people and at the same time confronted with a personal risk of infection. Among the newly struck doctor, P. Saketa Reddy. I was a medical student, then I just graduated when the world was struck with COVID-19. I was just as ignorant as anyone. I joined a group of determined individuals as a volunteer doctor who takes care of the cases of gentle COVID-19 and coordination with others for the allowance and the sorting of resources. The whole experience is very humiliating. The best lessons have learned teamwork, the will and, altruism can move the mountains, explains Dr. Reddy who has remained in contact with almost all the connections she has established.
Published – March 24, 2025 07:32
Sources 2/ https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/five-years-to-the-hour-when-covid-19-lockdown-hit-home/article69368946.ece The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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