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XIS Corruption Drive, Taiwan Invasion linked: Report

XIS Corruption Drive, Taiwan Invasion linked: Report



Chinese President Xi Jinpings () An anti-corruption reader of a decade within the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) aims to guarantee that the army is not only modernized, but is also ready to launch an invasion of Taiwan by 2027, said an American intelligence report made public last week.

The report, which was published last Thursday by the US office of the National Intelligence Director (ODNI) and is entitled wealth and corruption activities of the Chinese Communist Party [CCP]Starts that up to 65% of all government officials in China accept bribes or engage in a transplant.

XI launched a radical anti-corruption campaign when he came to power in 2012. Since then, nearly 5 million civil servants at all levels of the government have been found guilty of corruption, the report.


Photo: AP / Xinhua News Agency

The campaign has targeted creeping corruption in the ranks of the APL, which included a culture of remuneration for pre-promotion which continues a decade after the launch of anti-corruption campaigns.

Some of the biggest names withdrawn from their jobs include General Li Shangfu (), the former Minister of National Defense in 2023, and Admiral Miao Hua (), former director of the Political Labor Department of the Central Military Commission of Chinas, responsible for maintaining political loyalty within the APL last year.

Li and Miao were accused of violations of the party discipline, and the two were considered as XI protégés, demonstrating the gravity of the concerns of the CCPS concerning loyalty and efficiency, in particular within the APL and the scope of the approach of corruption regimes, according to the report.

His accent put on corruption in the APL can also reflect concerns that corruption practices will prevent the military from acquiring the capacities and the preparation he ordered to carry out by 2027, in preparation for a potential conflict on Taiwan, he added.

Corruption is an endemic characteristic and a challenge for China, activated by a political system with a highly centralized power in the hands of the CCP, a concept centered on the CCP of the rule of law, a lack of independent checks on civil servants and a limited transparency, according to the report.

In October 2020, XI allowed the APL to become a modern soldier by 2027. US officials believe that it means that XI wants China to be ready to invade Taiwan by 2027.

The report also indicates that XI has raised more than $ 1 billion in assets through parents.

The Six Pages Declassified ODNI report was commissioned by the US Congress under the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act. The legislation obliging a report was sponsored by the American senator Andy Ogles then Senator Marco Rubio, now US Secretary of State.

Washington Times said the ODNI report is the United States’s first official disclosure on the sensitive subject of Chinese leadership and CCP corruption.

An assistant from the Congress said that an official of the Chinese Embassy has put pressure on the US Congress for the report to be killed, the newspaper reported.




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