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Trump holds the meeting with Elon Musk

Trump holds the meeting with Elon Musk



President Donald Trump brought together his cabinet secretaries for a third meeting known on Monday morning with Elon Musk present, praising his department leaders for their cost reduction measures, even if he has recognized that they are not popular.

Trump told the room that the cuts should occur independently of the political ramifications, saying that I have no idea how it takes place in the public … but it is something that must be done.

Musk, who directs the cost reduction initiative of the Department of Government's Effectiveness, has aroused criticism of its effort to reduce workforce, and Reunion seemed choreographed to highlight its efficiency and how the heads of department and Musk delivered its mandate.

As journalists entered the cabinet room, Trump praised the success of the meeting before calling the leaders around the table. Now what's going on is that the figures exceed our wildest expectations, said Trump.

“We have had many fraudulent contracts highlighted by Elon,” said interior secretary Doug Burgum.

Musk, wearing a red Trump was right on the whole hat, prohibited at one point to say that the Small Business Association had discovered a loan granted to a “very early” baby.

Secretary of State Marco Rubio took notes while other secretaries have made comments but only had the opportunity to speak after a question in the education department when Trump called him to update on Ukraine. Rubio, sitting next to Trump, replied with praise for the president's unique leadership.

A senior administration official described the rally at 11 a.m. as a follow -up of the last Dogee meeting, referring to a tense meeting on March 6 where Trump set limits for the Tycoons Authority Billionaire in the midst of reactions to new cuts by the Ministry of Effectiveness of the Government.

During March 6, sitting down, Rubio and the Secretary of Transport Sean Duffy reprimanded Musk for having dismissed their employees without weighing if it will help or harm their agencies. According to the New York Times, the meeting culminated in an explosive back and forth on the cuts between Musk and Rubio.

In an article on social networks, Trump has publicly traced a line around Musk's powers after the back and forth between the secretaries of the cabinet and Musk, saying that he had asked the heads of department to work with DOGE with regard to the reductions of the workforce, but that the future cuts would be at their discretion. The secretaries could be very precise in whom they choose to eliminate from their departments, said Trump in his article on March 7 on Truth Social, adding, we say the scalpel rather than the ax of war.

The president said that follow -up meetings would take place every two weeks, with a Monday aligning in this chronology.

But the president said that Musk would intervene if the heads of department did not make enough cuts. If they can cut, it's better. If they don't cut, then Elon will cut, said Trump.

Friday, he played on discord one day earlier, which was in accordance with the New York Times, saying that there is no shock.

The last rally comes when the Trumps administration faces legal challenges on immigration and is preparing to unveil new prices and while Musk continues to monitor its role.

On Friday, Trump challenged a report according to which Musk would receive a briefing in terms of American soldiers for a potential conflict with China during a visit to the Pentagon, saying that the technological billionaire is not there for China, and if you have already mentioned China, I think Hed leaves the room. The president insisted that the visit was focused on the efforts of Musk Doge.

During a meeting of the cabinet on February 26, the first of Trump's second term, Musk took the scene when he explained that Doges works as a support function for the president and for agencies and departments to help make these savings to effectively find a 15% reduction in fraud and waste.

He sacrifices a lot, said Trump by presenting Musk at the meeting. He gets a lot of praise, I'm going to tell you, but he is also hit.

The event occurred shortly after several secretaries seemed to overthrow the efforts of the Ministry of the Government of the Government by asking the staff to put aside a directive coming from Musk and his allies who required a point of view to the question: “What did you do last week?”




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