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Dominic Cummings on secret dinner with Nigel Farage

Dominic Cummings on secret dinner with Nigel Farage



Boris Johnson's former advisor held a meeting with Farage shortly before Christmas, where they discussed how the conservatives “obstructed the party system” and “how to shake the most effectively”.

Cummings, Johnson's advisor, when he was Prime Minister during the pandemic, was involved in a public scandal when he appeared that he had led from London to the castle of Barnard in the county of Durham at the height of locking.

Later, he left Johnsons n ° 10 in the fall of 2020 after a power struggle, continued to admit that he had worked to put an end to his Prime Minister and become an eminent critic of the former Prime Minister.

In his first public comments on his recent meeting with Farage, Cummings said it was a “friendly conversation”, The guardian Reports.

The 53 -year -old added that the goal had been “the problems we have a broken whitehall, a shameful and broken conservative party obstructing the party system, how to shake everything most effectively.

Dominic CummingsDominic Cummings (Image: PA) “And how to bring some of the great people from this now excluded from the government to replace the shit with which we all have to live every day.”

Cummings told the Guardian: “The current harvest of deputies and civil servants by definition cannot be repaired.

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“It needs an external force just like the vaccine working group or quick tests or wastewater surveillance did it in 2020, succeeding only from external forces to Whitehall forcing Whitehall to act differently in its default mode.”

It is understood that Cummings had brought together the need for him to create credible policies in order to recruit quality candidates and attract donors.

He told the Guardian that Farage had said “he did not want to wait until 2035, so wanting to win a majority in 2029”.

Nigel FarageNigel Farage Farage previously said that the pair had spoken “from the blob and what were the practical problems to come to the government and not to be able to do what you wanted to do”.

The reform leader of the United Kingdom has described Cummings as a “bad little man”. Meanwhile, last summer Cummings said that the re -emergence of faging on the political scene was “depressing”.

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Cummings added that “15% of the country [is] Almost as a fading and hates everyone. “He also warned that Farage did not offer solutions.

A source told the Guardian that Cummings insisted that he would never work for frage. ”

Meanwhile, Cummings told the newspaper that even if “could spend more time” in the Westminster postal code (SW1), “I don't want to work there”.

He added: “My efforts will only help people with any party that pushes what I consider a good direction, I am happy to live far from SW1 and SW1 which certainly feels the same for me.”




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