Putin fears will abuse human rights laws against British peacekeepers in Ukraine
British troops sent to Ukraine as part of A planned peacekeeping force Could face the law under human rights legislation, the conservative deputies warned.
They called on the Secretary of Defense to create an exemption from the European Convention on Human Rights (ECDH) All soldiers sent to the region.
Former Minister of Tory David Davis urged the government to recognize its duty of diligence towards those who fight for their country and then face Decades of the law.
James Cartlidge, the Secretary in the Shadow of the Defense, also called for this decision to offer maximum protection to our armed forces.
Conservative deputies are excised about British troops and veterans who have served in Afghanistan, Iraq and Northern Ireland who have been prosecuted in recent years.
In 2021, Boris Johnson adopted a law, the bill on operation abroad, designed to limit vexatious allegations against military personnel.
This bill would have forced the ministers to consider decorating the ECHR when it sent combat troops, but this clause was withdrawn when the legislation went through the Chamber of Lords.
In response to questioning in the municipalities, John HealeyThe Secretary of Defense, said the legislation because he promised that the government was completely attached to the obligation of diligence which it has towards the British troops.
Keir Starmer Works to create an international coalition of the desire to offer peacekeeping in Ukraine, in the event of a ceasefire with its Russian invaders.
Sir Keir also admitted that an American security net would be necessary for his plans to work, but there are no signs, he failed to convince the White House to support the plan.
Weekend Donald TrumpS Special sent criticized the PMS Ukraine Peace plan like “A posture and a pose”.
Steve Witkoff said the idea of the work leaders of a peacekeeping force made up of the coalition of the will was based on a “simplistic” notion of thought “that we must all be like Winston Churchill”.
In an interview with the pro-Trump personality TUCKER CarlsonMr. Witkoff, who directs the cease-fire negotiations in the United States with Russia and Ukraine, also greeted Vladimir Putinsaying that he “loved” the Russian president. “I don't consider Putin as a bad guy. He's super intelligent,” he said.
Sources 2/ https://uk.news.yahoo.com/fears-putin-abuse-human-rights-165634914.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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