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Janetmills discharges from Donald Trump after the excuses demanding apology

Janetmills discharges from Donald Trump after the excuses demanding apology



Governor Janet Mills doubled on Monday, saying that she defends the primacy of law after President Donald Trump asked him during the weekend to apologize for their February confrontation on the policies of transgender athletes in Maines.

Without referring to Trump by name, Mills also said that if the current occupant of the White House wanted to protect women and girls, he should start by protecting women and adolescent girls who suffer from false layers and dying because they cannot obtain basic health care and saving states in this country.

Mills, Maines, the first woman governor and former attorney general, also stimulated other suggestions for Trump, such as the way in which he should protect social security and maladie for elderly women in the midst of Trump, his government efficiency Tsar Elon Musk and GOP legislators watching programs in their permanent efforts have reduced federal jobs and programs.

If he cares about women and girls, he should talk about little girls, boys and infants in Sudan and other countries that are dying at the moment because he has cut their diet and vital medicines, journalists in Bangor told Monday morning with residents of a mobile house park to celebrate their purchase of their community. If he really cares about women and girls and the inhabitants of this country, let's see the economic plan. Let's see the health care plan. Let's see the education plan.

It was the first public response of Democratic governors to the Republican President after having one day published on his social media platform Truth Social that Mills owe him full growth after their confrontation during a month of White House events above Maines policy, transgender students compete in sport aligned with their gender identity.

Trump also wrote on Saturday that he wanted Mills to make a statement saying that she would never make an illegal challenge to the federal government before Trump's administrations while waiting for a legal attempt to force Maine to change his policies could not be settled.

I'm sure she can do it quite easily, added Trump.

After the February Stock Exchange, the Trump administration launched several investigations into Maine and its schools before quickly determining that they violated the historic law of title IX with the exception of sexual discrimination in education by allowing transgender athletes to compete, the federal government also freeing, then funds that do not receive funds for the University of Maine system.

The Trump administration has given Maine officials until later this week to sign an agreement that would oblige the State to modify its transgender athlete policies and to return nearly $ 187,000 to federal funds. Legal experts have described the justification for doubt and noted that he was making an un tested legal argument that Title IX obliges states to prohibit transgender girls aligned on their gender identity.

Mills said on Monday that it does not communicate with civil servants by social networks. While criticizing Trump's prices in Canada, she also noted that the Constitution indicates that the president will take care that the laws are faithfully executed and that it does not allow Trump to make laws from gold tissue or by tweet or Instagram posts or press release decree.

It's just a fundamental law, and I defend the rule of law and the separation of powers, said Mills. Look, the problem does not concern transgender sports. The inhabitants of Maine and across the country await an economic plan of the current occupier of the White House, and so far, we have seen none.

Trump first called Mills last month at an event with other governors La Maison Blanche after representative Laurel Libby, R-Auburn, made a viral publication on social networks that distinguished a student from the Maine Transgenre high school which won a state of athletics. Trump told Mills that he would draw federal funding from Maine if the state did not follow its decree prohibits transgender sports athletes by modifying its policies in place for years which allow transgender students to compete in school sports.

Mills said Maine followed state and federal law before Trump said that we were federal law.

Well to see you in court, said Mills.

I'm looking forward to this, replied Trump. It should be really easy. And enjoy your life after the governor in case, I don't think you will be in elected policy.

In response to a request for comments on Monday, a White House spokesperson happened again at Trumps Truth Social Post.

Earlier this month, Mills also told journalists that transgender-athletes transgender policies were worthy of a debate in the legislature controlled by Democrat. She called on Monday for more discussions on real problems, such as the economy.

Let's talk about the price of gas and the price of bread and cars, said Mills. Nothing drops. Everything goes up.




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