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The BBC presenter strikes an incredibly stupid decision to make a Hardtalk long -standing ax

The BBC presenter strikes an incredibly stupid decision to make a Hardtalk long -standing ax



Stephen Sackur struck the BBC's incredibly stupid decision to chop one of its flagship programs.

Last October, the company announced its decision to end Hardtalk, as well as the loss of 100 information roles to the company. The company had been faced with increasing financial pressure and had provided that its total deficit would increase to 492 million for the year 2024/25 at the time.

The political spectacle, known for its difficult interviews with world leaders, was presented by the veteran diffuser and had spent nearly three decades in difficulty. During his career, the presenter interviewed Robert Mugabe, Hugo Chavez, Sergei Lavrov, Meles Zenawi, Lula, Nancy Pelosi, Recep Tayep Erdogan, Emmanuel Macron, Imran Khan, Olusegan Abasanjo and many others.

I really feel, really going through incredibly stupid decisions taken by management which, I fear, do not do the right thing for the BBC, it said The goalkeeper. I was not impressed by their ability to deal with this in a compassionate human way.

Sackur also struck the director general of the BBC, Tim Davie, saying that he had never visited the Hardtalk team during his five -year term, despite the promises to do so. The independent contacted the representatives of Davies to comment.

I called him when he got the job and I said: I just want to say hello and well done. And he said: It's great to talk to you. I appreciate the importance of Hardtalk, in particular in terms of international offer and profile. I can't wait to go down and see the team, which he never did, he said.

He invited me to a gathering of journalists from different BBC parts, but otherwise I never talked about or heard of him. And, since the announcement of the closure, I have not heard a word.

Sackur hit the BBC for an incredibly stupid decision
Sackur hit the BBC for an incredibly stupid decision (AFP via Getty Images))

Sackur said he hoped to stay at the BBC, but he had received three months' redundancy notice.

I don't want to leave the BbcBecause I always think that I had a lot to offer, he said at the time. And I don't want the program to be closed, but this argument was definitely lost.

The viewers were furious at the time, because the presenter uninformed his thoughts without saying that it was a new depressing for the BBC and all those who believe in the importance of independent and rigorous journalism deeply studied.

He continued: at a time when the disinformation and manipulation of the media poison public discourse, Hardtalk is unique a long -term interview emission with a single mission, to take into account those who too often avoid responsibility in their own country.




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