The US bill requires sanctions against the Pakistani army chief, requires the release of Imran Khan

A bipartite bill presented on Monday at the American Congress seeking to impose sanctions on the leader of the Pakistani army, General Asim Munnir, for his presumed role in the persecution of political opponents, including the former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, reported the hill.
The legislation, entitled “Pakistan Democracy Act”, was presented by representatives Joe Wilson (RS.C.) and Jimmy Panetta (D-Calif.) And calls for targeted sanctions under the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act.
The bill requires that within 180 days, the American government identifies the individuals involved in political persecution in Pakistan and impose penalties, including visa prohibitions and restrictions on entry into the United States. He explicitly accuses of “knowingly engaging in the unjustified persecution and imprisonment of political opponents” and urges a similar action against other accomplices of repression. Wilson expressed his position on Khan's imprisonment, which he describes as a political motivation. “Mr. Khan is clearly a political prisoner,” Wilson told The Hill, reiterating that he had urged the US administration to put pressure on the military leaders of Pakistan by visa prohibitions and other means to restore democracy and secure the release of Khan. The bill allows the abolition of sanctions if Pakistan puts an end to the military regime, restores democracy led by civilians and releases all the political figures held.
Khan, who was removed from his duties in 2022 by a vote without confidence, was arrested in August 2023 for corruption. His supporters alleged that the accusations were politically motivated and orchestrated by the military to prevent his return to power. The legislators of the two main American parties called on several occasions to his release, notably the representatives Greg Casar (D-Texas), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Ilhan Omar (D-minn.), Brad Sherman (D-Calif.), Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) And Jack Bergman (R-Mich.).
Events in Directord Grenell, a former Trump administration official, also expressed their support for Khan. In December, he posted on the social media platform X: “Look at Pakistan. Their Trump leader is in prison for bogus, and people were inspired by the American red wave. Stop political prosecution of the whole world!” His position received more than 12 million views and was widely shared by the supporters of Khan. Earlier this month, President Trump, in a joint convention address, thanked the Pakistgovernment for having helped the arrest of an Islamic State member (ISIS) linked to the attack on Kabul 2021 airport. Last week, the spokesperson for the US State Department, Tammy Bruce, refused to comment on Khan, In the internal affairs of other countries, the hill reported. Husain Haqqani, a former Pakistani ambassador to the United States and a main member of the Hudson Institute, was a skincetal of Washington. “It is unlikely that sanctions be imposed in Pakistan just to guarantee the release of a populist but anti-American politician,” said Haqqani, referring to Khan's previous rhetoric against American policies.
After his withdrawal, Khan has repeatedly accused Washington of orchestrating his evidence in collaboration with the opposition of Pakistan. He said the United States wanted to leave for its independent foreign policy and its position against American influence. His gatherings were marked by anti-American slogans, framing his withdrawal as an attack against the sovereignty of Pakistan. The Biden administration denied any involvement.
Wilson recognized his differences with Khan's opinions, but argued that political disagreements should be treated democratically. “But political differences should be treated in the polls,” he said.
Michael Kugelman, director of South Asia at Wilson Center, also minimized the probability of sanctions, highlighting the contradiction in the Khan camp calling for American intervention. “For many observers at DC, there is something deeply ironic about Khan supporters blaming the United States for Khan's eviction, then calling him to save him,” he said. He noted that even if Khan's supporters argue that it is a reversal of interference, this hypothesis itself is politically loaded, according to the reports of the hill.
Haqqani suggested that the pushing of the legislators concerned internal policy more than the real concern about the domestic affairs of Pakistan. “Several members of the Congress ignore the history of Khan, as some have described by mistake as a friend of the United States, which he never claimed to be,” he said.
Sources 2/ https://m.economictimes.com/news/international/global-trends/us-bill-seeks-sanctions-on-pakistans-army-chief-demands-imran-khans-release/articleshow/119451770.cms The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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