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Bipartisan Us Bill requests sanctions against the Pakistan army chief on the persecution of Imran Khan

Bipartisan Us Bill requests sanctions against the Pakistan army chief on the persecution of Imran Khan



Information Office Indica-

A bipartite bill was presented at the US Congress on Monday, March 24, aimed at imposing sanctions on the Pakistani army chief, General Asim Munnir, because of his alleged involvement in the persecution of political opponents, including former Prime Minister Imran Khan, according to the hill.

The bill, named “Pakistan Democracy Act” was presented by representatives Joe Wilson (RS.C.) and Jimmy Panetta (D-Calif.) And calls for targeted sanctions under the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act.

It obliges the American government to identify individuals responsible for political persecution in Pakistan within 180 days and to impose sanctions, such as visa prohibitions and restrictions on entry into the United States

Mining is specifically accused of “knowingly engaging in the unjustified persecution and imprisonment of political opponents”, and the bill advocates similar action against other persons involved in repression.

Wilson was frank on his opinions on the imprisonment of Khan, who, according to him, is politically motivated.

“Mr. Khan is clearly a political prisoner,” Wilson told The Hill, adding that he had urged the United States government to put pressure on the military leaders of Pakistan by visa prohibitions and other measures to restore democracy and facilitate the release of Khan. The bill provides a journey to raise sanctions if Pakistan puts an end to the military regime, restores civil democracy and releases all the political figures held.

Khan, who was ousted during a vote without confidence in 2022, was arrested in August 2023 for corruption. His supporters claim that the accusations are politically motivated and are part of a wider military effort to block his return to power. The legislators of the two main American political parties called for its release, in particular the representatives Greg Casar (D-Texas), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Ilhan Omar (D-minn.), Brad Sherman (D-Calif.), Ro Khanna (D-Calif.), And Jack Bergman (R-Mich.).

Richard Grenell, a former Trump administration official, also expressed his support for Khan. In December, he shared an article on the X social media platform, urging people to “look at Pakistan”, comparing Khan's imprisonment to a situation of “cans” similar to what happened to former American president Donald Trump. His post collected more than 12 million views and was widely shared by the supporters of Khan.

Earlier this month, President Trump thanked the Pakistani government for helping to arrest an Islamic State member linked to the attack on Kabul 2021 airport. Last week, the spokesman for the United States Department of State, Tammy Bruce, refused to comment on Khan's situation, declaring that the United States did not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, as hill.

Husain Haqqani, a former Pakistani ambassador to the United States and principal researcher at the Hudson Institute, was doubtful that the United States would take on significant measures, suggesting that the sanctions would be unlikely to simply ensure the release of a populist leader with anti-American rhetoric. Haqqani noted Khan's past accusations that the United States has played a role in its evidence in collaboration with the opposition of Pakistan, in particular because of its independent foreign policy position.

Despite his differences with Khans' opinions, Wilson argued that political disagreements should be settled democratically.

Michael Kugelman, director of South Asia at Wilson Center, noted the irony of Khans supporters calling the United States to intervene after having blamed him for his evidence. He observed that this situation is politically complex and underlined the contradictions in the arguments of the supporters of Khans.

Haqqani added that pressure for sanctions could be more on internal policy in the United States than the real concern for internal issues of Pakistan, stressing that many legislators could misunderstand Khan's relationship with the United States, because it has never positioned itself as an American ally.




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