Trump calls the portrait in the Colorado State Capitol to delete

President Donald Trump recently called a portrait of him in the Colorado State Capitol in Denver “distorted” and said that it should be deleted.
The president said that the image was “really the worst” in a long disjointed post on Truth Social on March 23.
“No one likes a bad image or a painting of themselves, but that of Colorado, in the State Capitol, set up by the governor, with all the other presidents, was deliberately distorted at a level that even me, perhaps, has never seen before,” posted Trump on Truth Social. “I prefer to have no photo to have it.”
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The artist of Colorado Springs, Sarah A. Boardman, also painted the presidential portrait of President Barack Obama, who said that Trump said: “Awes marvelous. Then he followed with: “She had to lose his talent as they age. »»
The post of President Trump, who also mentioned the name of the Venezuelan gang Tren of Aragua, said that “many people” from Colorado called and wrote to complain about the portrait, and that he spoke in their name to the State Governor to shoot him.
Portrait of Trump in Colorado State Capitol in Denver. With the kind authorization of President Trump's TRUTH social page.
A spokesperson for the Governor's office told Denver News Outlet 9News that Governor Jared Polis was “surprised to learn that the President of the United States is an aficionado of our Colorado State Capitol and his works.
The portrait was not put into service by Polis. The former president of the Senate, Kevin Grantham, collected nearly $ 11,000 thanks to an online fundraising campaign on GoFundme on behalf of the group “Colorado Citizens for Culture” (CCC) to pay the portrait. CCC is a network favored by Colorado Business Committee for the Arts (CBCA).
Before the fundraising campaign, the president of the CCC, Jay Seller, said in 2018 that no private gifts had been made for the cost of putting the portrait of Trump into service.
However, in July of the same year, a member of a progressive non -profit defense group ProgressNow Colorado slipped into the Colorado State Capitol and displayed a portrait of the Russian President Vladimir Putin on an easel on the empty location where the portrait of Trump was to hang. “We hope that public awareness has been noted on the danger of Russian influence on the President of the United States,” Ian Silverii, Executive Director of ProgressNow Colorado, said in 9news.
The incident has angry the republics, drew the attention of national and international news and raised attention to the absence of an official presidential portrait of Trump. Grantham's GoFundme was able to achieve its goal within 32 hours, with donations from several state republicans, according to a time report.
In particular, the 43 presidential portraits before Obama and Trump had been painted by artist Lawrence Williams, who died in 2003.
During the disclosure of the portrait at a ceremony in August 2019, Boardman said that she was aiming to match Williams' style and that the table took four months.
Boardman also explained how she had chosen the image of Trump, which was approved by the Capitol Construction Consultative Committee: “My portrait of President Trump was described as thought, not conflicting, not angry, not happy, not tweet.
Sources 2/ https://www.artnews.com/art-news/news/president-trump-calls-removal-colorado-portrait-1234736546/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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