Their figures do not give the most minimum truce to competition

China is worldwide in the production of lithium drums. If we stop Elctric cars, the step directed by Xi Jinping manufactures 57% of the drums that these vehicles use. The catl of the world These are the largest manufacturers of energy accumulators on the planet with A market share in 2023 34% and 16% respectively. And if we look at electronic devices equipped with a battery, their area is just as energetic. Only the figures in which we are about to study are explained.
China has reached this management position due to several factors. On the one hand, it is the largest producer in the world of lithium and rare land, which are the main raw materials used in the manufacture of batteries. In addition, it controls the treatment of these materials and is capable of producing a large -scale battery and at a very competitive price. There is currently no indicator that invites us to anticipate that your lithium battery field will be threatened in the medium term.
In a just a Chinese DCADA increased from 50% 80% market share
The evolution that the lithium industry has experienced in this Asicité is the result of a very ambitious strategy perceived by the government has a day. In 2015, President Xi Jinping announced the plan “Made in China 2025”, an initiative that continues to bring the country to a position of world leadership in thirteen strategic technologies. In some of them, such as the production of drugs, large tractors, manufacturing industrial machines, artificial intelligence (AI) or robots do not lead, but has been established in a competitive position.
If we stop the production of lithium batteries, your market area in Docada after the start of the plan “Made in China 2025” is overwhelming
However, in five of these Chinese technologies, it is already global. In the Industries of AREOS Unnim Down vehicles, solar panels, graphene, high -speed trains and, finally, binomial / lithiums of Elctric car Chinese companies are more competitive.
If we stop the production of lithium batteries, its market area one day after the implementation of the plan “Made in China 2025” is overwhelming, as we can see in the following graph prepared by the consultant Reference mineral intelligence.
And this step has come on a global market share of 50% in 2015 to no less than 80% today. He does a duty his position was already good, but In 2025, your field is absolute. Another fact that we do not neglect is that global production of lithium battery in 2015 amounts to 42 GWh, while in 2024, this figure increased until reaching 1,400 GWh. This growth is mainly explained thanks to the intervention of China.
The graph also reflects the participation of Europe, North America and APAC, which is the region that Asia and the island areas of the Pacific include on this occasion. Its market share is similar (around 6 or 7% for each of these competitive regions), it is therefore obvious that in the medium term, the management of China will not be threatened. However, it is curious to verify that even South Korea, an AP which officially considers its battery industry as a strategic resource, can currently make the minimum shade in China in this Mbit.
Image | Hiking
MS information | Reference mineral intelligence
In Xataka | Histric Rcord for China: its flea industry produced in 2024 ms which never despite the sanctions
Sources 2/ https://www.xataka.com/energia/china-ha-arrasado-mercado-baterias-litio-sus-cifras-no-dan-minima-tregua-a-competencia The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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